Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6
Language: English
Scripting Tools


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Double-clicking an error in the Status Bar or choosing Window->Console will bring up the Console.

Console in the editor.
Console in the editor.

The Console shows messages, warnings, errors, or debug output from your game. You can define your own messages to be sent to the Console using Debug.Log(), Debug.LogWarning, or Debug.LogError(). You can double-click any message to be taken to the script that caused the message. You also have a number of options on the Console Toolbar.

Console control toolbar helps your filter your debug output.
Console control toolbar helps your filter your debug output.
  • Pressing Clear will remove all current messages from the Console.
  • When Collapse is enabled, identical messages will only be shown once.
  • When Clear on play is enabled, all messages will be removed from the Console every time you go into Play mode.
  • When Error Pause is enabled, Debug.LogError() will cause the pause to occur but Debug.Log() will not.
  • Pressing Open Player Log will open the Player Log in a text editor (or using the Console app on Mac if set as the default app for .log files).
  • Pressing Open Editor Log will open the Editor Log in a text editor (or using the Console app on Mac if set as the default app for .log files).
Scripting Tools