Legacy Documentation: Version 4.6
Language: English
Windows Store Apps: Profiler
Windows Store Apps: Plugins

Windows Store Apps : Command line arguments

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Windows Store Apps don’t accept command line arguments by default, so to pass them you have to call a special function from App.xaml.cs/cpp or App.cs/cpp. For ex., appCallbacks.AddCommandLineArg(“-nolog”); You have to call it before appCallbacks.Initialize*() function.



Don’t produce UnityPlayer.log.


Force DirectX 11.0 WARP device (More info http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg615082.aspx)


Force single threaded rendering.


Force DirectX 11.0 to be created without D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED flag.

DirectX feature levels

For further information about DirectX feature levels, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff476876(v=vs.85).aspx)


Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 9.1.


Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 9.2.


Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 9.3.


Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 10.0.


Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 10.1.


Force DirectX 11.0 feature level 11.0.

Windows Store Apps: Profiler
Windows Store Apps: Plugins