The NetworkTransformChild component synchronizes the position and rotation of a child object of an object with a NetworkTransform component. The NetworkTransformChild component should be placed on the same root object as the NetworkTransform, and then the target slot populated with a child object from the heirarchy.
This class does not use physics, it simply synchronizes the position and rotation of the child and lerps towards updated values to at a customizable rate.
Property: | Function: | |
sendInterval | How often in seconds the object sends updates. | |
target | child transform to be synchronized. | |
childIndex | A unique Identifier for this NetworkTransformChild component on this root object (read only). | |
syncRotationAxis | Which axis to use for rotation. | |
rotationSyncCompression | What kind of compression to use for rotation. | |
movementTheshold | The threshold to not send position updates. | |
snapThreshold | The threshold to “pop” instead of interpolate. | |
interpolateRotation | Factor to control rotation interpolation. | |
interpolateMovement | Factor to control movement interpolation. |
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