Some games keep a constant number of objects in the scene, but it is very common for characters, treasures and other object to be created and removed during gameplay. In Unity, a GameObject can be created using the Instantiate function which makes a new copy of an existing object:
public GameObject enemy;
void Start() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Note that the object from which the copy is made doesn’t have to be present in the scene. It is more common to use a prefab dragged to a public variable from the Project panel in the editor. Also, instantiating a GameObject will copy all the Components present on the original.
There is also a Destroy function that will destroy an object after the frame update has finished or optionally after a short time delay:
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision otherObj) {
if (otherObj.gameObject.tag == "Missile") {
Note that the Destroy function can destroy individual components without affecting the GameObject itself. A common mistake is to write something like:
…which will actually just destroy the script component that calls it rather than destroying the GameObject the script is attached to.
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