Acceder a la información del sistema.
Use this class to figure out capabilities of the underlying platform and hardware. For example, you can check which RenderTexture formats are supported (SupportsRenderTextureFormat), how many CPU threads are available (processorCount), and so on.
copyTextureSupport | Support for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases (Read Only). |
deviceModel | El modelo del dispositivo (Read Only). |
deviceName | El nombre del dispositivo definido por el usuario (Read Only). |
deviceType | Devuelve el tipo de dispositivo en el que se está ejecutando la aplicación. |
deviceUniqueIdentifier | Identificador de dispositivo único. Asegura ser único para cada dispositivo (Read Only). |
graphicsDeviceID | El código identificativo del dispositivo gráfico (Read Only). |
graphicsDeviceName | El nombre del dispositivo gráfico (Read Only). |
graphicsDeviceType | El nombre del dispositivo gráfico (Read Only). |
graphicsDeviceVendor | The vendor of the graphics device (Read Only). |
graphicsDeviceVendorID | The identifier code of the graphics device vendor (Read Only). |
graphicsDeviceVersion | El código identificativo del dispositivo gráfico (Read Only). |
graphicsMemorySize | Amount of video memory present (Read Only). |
graphicsMultiThreaded | Is graphics device using multi-threaded rendering (Read Only)? |
graphicsShaderLevel | Graphics device shader capability level (Read Only). |
maxTextureSize | Maximum texture size (Read Only). |
npotSupport | What NPOT (non-power of two size) texture support does the GPU provide? (Read Only) |
operatingSystem | Nombre y versión del sistema operativo (Read Only). |
operatingSystemFamily | Returns the operating system family the game is running on (Read Only). |
processorCount | Cantidad de procesadores (Read Only). |
processorFrequency | Nombre del procesador (Read Only). |
processorType | Nombre del procesador (Read Only). |
supportedRenderTargetCount | How many simultaneous render targets (MRTs) are supported? (Read Only) |
supports2DArrayTextures | Are 2D Array textures supported? (Read Only) |
supports3DTextures | Are 3D (volume) textures supported? (Read Only) |
supportsAccelerometer | ¿Hay un acelerómetro en el dispositivo? |
supportsAudio | Is there an Audio device available for playback? |
supportsComputeShaders | Are compute shaders supported? (Read Only) |
supportsCubemapArrayTextures | Are Cubemap Array textures supported? (Read Only) |
supportsGyroscope | ¿Hay un giroscopio en el dispositivo? |
supportsImageEffects | Are image effects supported? (Read Only) |
supportsInstancing | Is GPU draw call instancing supported? (Read Only) |
supportsLocationService | ¿Es el dispositivo capaz de indicar su posición geográfica? |
supportsMotionVectors | Whether motion vectors are supported on this platform. |
supportsRawShadowDepthSampling | Is sampling raw depth from shadowmaps supported? (Read Only) |
supportsRenderToCubemap | Are cubemap render textures supported? (Read Only) |
supportsShadows | Are built-in shadows supported? (Read Only) |
supportsSparseTextures | Are sparse textures supported? (Read Only) |
supportsVibration | Is the device capable of providing the user haptic feedback by vibration? |
systemMemorySize | Amount of system memory present (Read Only). |
unsupportedIdentifier | Value returned by SystemInfo string properties which are not supported on the current platform. |
usesReversedZBuffer | This property is true if the current platform uses a reversed depth buffer (where values range from 1 at the near plane and 0 at far plane), and false if the depth buffer is normal (0 is near, 1 is far). (Read Only) |
SupportsRenderTextureFormat | Is render texture format supported? |
SupportsTextureFormat | Is texture format supported on this device? |