Version: 5.5


class in UnityEditor

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Allows to control the lightmapping job.

Before starting the job the bake settings can be set via LightmapEditorSettings.

See Also: LightmapEditorSettings.

Variables Estáticas

bakedGIIs baked GI enabled?
bounceBoostBoost the albedo.
buildProgressReturns the current lightmapping build progress or 0 if Lightmapping.isRunning is false.
completedDelegate which is called when bake job is completed.
giWorkflowModeThe lightmap baking workflow mode used. Iterative mode is default, but you can switch to on demand mode which bakes only when the user presses the bake button.
indirectOutputScaleScale for indirect lighting.
isRunningReturns true when the bake job is running, false otherwise (Read Only).
lightingDataAssetThe lighting data asset used by the active scene.
realtimeGIIs realtime GI enabled?

Funciones Estáticas

BakeStars a synchronous bake job.
BakeAsyncStarts an asynchronous bake job.
BakeMultipleScenesBakes an array of scenes.
BakeReflectionProbeStarts a synchronous bake job for the probe.
CancelCancels the currently running asynchronous bake job.
ClearDeletes all lightmap assets and makes all lights behave as if they weren't baked yet.
ClearDiskCacheClears the cache used by lightmaps, reflection probes and default reflection.
ClearLightingDataAssetRemove the lighting data asset used by the current scene.
GetTerrainGIChunksGet how many chunks the terrain is divided into for GI baking.
TetrahedralizeCalculates a Delaunay Tetrahedralization of the 'positions' point set - the same way the lightmapper.


OnCompletedFunctionDelegate used by Lightmapping.completed callback.