Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
Windows Store Apps: Missing .NET Types
Windows Store Apps: Examples


Unsupported classes and functions

How to create AppX package from Visual Studio ?

  • After building the project from Unity Editor
  • Open it with VS2012
  • In the solution explorer, right click on the project
  • Store -> Create App Packages
  • Do you want to build packages to upload to the Windows Store? Choose No, then Next
  • Pick appropriate platform, for ex., ARM Release
  • Don’t include public symbol files, this will make package smaller
  • Create
  • Locate folder which is named something like YourApp_1.0.0.0_ARM_Test, check that it has Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 file
  • Copy the folder contents to the target machine, then on the target machine right click on Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 -> Run with PowerShell
  • Follow the steps, you might need an internet connection to install Developper License, this will require for you to have Microsoft account
  • If everything is okay, your app should appear on the start menu

How to install an appx file on your machine?

  • Open Windows PowerShell from start menu, navigate to your appx file, execute Add-AppxPackage <yourappx>.appx, if the appx was signed, it will be installed on your machine. Note: if you’re installing appx file again, you have to uninstall the previous one, simply right-click on the icon, and click Uninstall.

I am getting an error “DEP0600: incorrect parameter” while deploying an application.

  • Something is wrong with your certificate, try creating a new by clicking on Package.appxmanifest -> Packaging -> Choose Certificate -> Configure Certificate -> Create Test Certificate

Debug.Log doesn’t write anything in Visual Studio Output Window

  • Set Debugger type to Mixed or Native, because internally Debug.Log uses OutputDebugString, and that function only works for Native or Mixed debuggers.

How to use Visual Studio’s graphical debugger on ARM?

If you have Windows 8 N version (the one for Europe) and even the empty project doesn’t compile

How to deploy a project on a tablet PC?

Windows Store Apps: Missing .NET Types
Windows Store Apps: Examples