
static function SelectionGrid (selected : int, texts : string[], xCount : int, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int

static function SelectionGrid (selected : int, images : Texture[], xCount : int, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int

static function SelectionGrid (selected : int, content : GUIContent[], xCount : int, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int

static function SelectionGrid (selected : int, texts : string[], xCount : int, style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int

static function SelectionGrid (selected : int, images : Texture[], xCount : int, style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int

static function SelectionGrid (selected : int, contents : GUIContent[], xCount : int, style : GUIStyle, params options : GUILayoutOption[]) : int


selected The index of the selected button
texts An array of strings to show on the buttons.
images An array of textures on the buttons.
contents An array of text, image and tooltips for the button.
xCount How many elements to fit in the horizontal direction. The elements will be scaled to fit unless the style defines a fixedWidth to use. The height of the control will be determined from the number of elements.
style The style to use. If left out, the button style from the current GUISkin is used.
options An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight, GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight


int - The index of the selected button.


Make a Selection Grid

Selection grid in the Game View.

var selGridInt : int = 0;
var selStrings : String[] = ["Grid 1", "Grid 2", "Grid 3", "Grid 4"];

function OnGUI () {
selGridInt = GUILayout.SelectionGrid (selGridInt, selStrings, 2);

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public int selGridInt = 0;
public string[] selStrings = new string[] {"Grid 1", "Grid 2", "Grid 3", "Grid 4"};
void OnGUI() {
selGridInt = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selGridInt, selStrings, 2);

import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

class example(MonoBehaviour):

public selGridInt as int = 0

public selStrings as (string) = ('Grid 1', 'Grid 2', 'Grid 3', 'Grid 4')

def OnGUI():
selGridInt = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selGridInt, selStrings, 2)