Class VolumetricClouds
A volume component that holds settings for the ambient occlusion.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
[VolumeComponentMenu("Sky/Volumetric Clouds")]
public sealed class VolumetricClouds : VolumeComponent, IApplyRevertPropertyContextMenuItemProvider, IVersionable<VolumetricClouds.Version>, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
Cloud |
altitude |
Controls the intensity of the wind-based altitude distortion of the clouds. |
altitude |
Controls the size of the volumetric clouds volume in meters. |
alto |
Specifies the higher cloud layer distribution in the advanced mode. |
alto |
Overrides the coverage of the higher cloud layer specified in the alto stratus map in the advanced mode. |
ambient |
Controls the influence of the light probes on the cloud volume. A lower value will suppress the ambient light and produce darker clouds overall. |
ambient |
Controls the ambient occlusion (Y axis) of the volumetric clouds as a function of the height (X Axis) inside the cloud volume. |
bottom |
Controls the altitude of the bottom of the volumetric clouds volume in meters. |
cloud |
Specifies the cloud control Mode: Simple, Advanced or Manual. |
cloud |
Specifies the lookup table for the clouds - Profile Coverage (R), Erosion (G), Ambient Occlusion (B). |
cloud |
Specifies the cloud map - Coverage (R), Rain (G), Type (B). |
cloud |
Specifies the internal texture resolution used for the cloud map in the advanced mode. A lower value will lead to higher performance, but less precise cloud type transitions. |
cloud |
Controls the multiplier to the speed of the cloud map. |
cloud |
Offset (x,y) of the cloud map. |
cloud |
Specifies the quality mode used to render the volumetric clouds. |
cloud |
Tiling (x,y) of the cloud map. |
cumulonimbus |
Specifies the anvil shaped clouds distribution in the advanced mode. |
cumulonimbus |
Overrides the coverage of the anvil shaped clouds specified in the cumulonimbus map in the advanced mode. |
cumulus |
Specifies the lower cloud layer distribution in the advanced mode. |
cumulus |
Overrides the coverage of the lower cloud layer specified in the cumulus map in the advanced mode. |
density |
Controls the density (Y axis) of the volumetric clouds as a function of the height (X Axis) inside the cloud volume. |
density |
Controls the global density of the cloud volume. |
earth |
Controls the curvature of the cloud volume which defines the distance at which the clouds intersect with the horizon. |
enable | Enable/Disable the volumetric clouds effect. |
erosion |
Controls the erosion (Y axis) of the volumetric clouds as a function of the height (X Axis) inside the cloud volume. |
erosion |
Controls the smaller noise on the edge of the clouds. A higher value will erode clouds more significantly. |
erosion |
Controls the type of noise used to generate the smaller noise passing through the cloud coverage. |
erosion |
Controls how much Erosion Factor is taken into account when computing ambient occlusion. The Erosion Factor parameter is editable in the custom preset, Advanced and Manual Modes. |
erosion |
Controls the size of the smaller noise passing through the cloud coverage. |
erosion |
Controls the multiplier to the speed of the erosion cloud shapes. |
fade |
Controls the distance that it takes for the clouds to reach their complete density. |
fade |
Controls the mode in which the clouds fade in when close to the camera's near plane. |
fade |
Controls the minimal distance at which clouds start appearing. |
ghosting |
Enable/Disable the volumetric clouds ghosting reduction. When enabled, reduces significantly the ghosting of the volumetric clouds, but may introduce some flickering at lower temporal accumulation factors. |
global |
Sets the global horizontal wind speed in kilometers per hour. This value can be relative to the Global Wind Speed defined in the Visual Environment. |
local |
When enabled, clouds are part of the scene and you can interact with them. This means you can move around and inside the clouds, they can appear between the Camera and other GameObjects, and the Camera's clipping planes affect the clouds. When disabled, the clouds are part of the skybox. This means the clouds and their shadows appear relative to the Camera and always appear behind geometry. |
micro |
When enabled, an additional noise should be evaluated for the clouds in the advanced and manual modes. This increases signficantly the cost of the volumetric clouds. |
micro |
Controls the smallest noise on the edge of the clouds. A higher value will erode clouds more. |
micro |
Controls the size of the smaller noise passing through the cloud coverage. |
multi |
Controls the amount of multi-scattering inside the cloud. |
num |
Controls the number of steps when evaluating the clouds' lighting. A higher value will lead to smoother lighting and improved self-shadowing, but at a higher cost. |
num |
Controls the number of steps when evaluating the clouds' transmittance. A higher value may lead to a lower noise level and longer view distance, but at a higher cost. |
orientation | Controls the orientation of the wind relative to the X world vector. This value can be relative to the Global Wind Orientation defined in the Visual Environment. |
perceptual |
Specifies the strength of the perceptual blending for the volumetric clouds. This value should be treated as flag and only be set to 0.0 or 1.0. |
powder |
Controls the amount of local scattering in the clouds. A higher value may produce a more powdery or diffused aspect. |
rain |
Specifies the rain distribution in the advanced mode. |
scattering |
Specifies the tint of the cloud scattering color. |
shadow |
Sets the size of the area covered by shadow around the camera. |
shadow |
Controls the opacity of the volumetric clouds shadow. |
shadow |
Controls the shadow opacity when outside the area covered by the volumetric clouds shadow. |
shadow |
Controls the vertical offset applied to compute the volumetric clouds shadow in meters. To have accurate results, enter the average height at which the volumetric clouds shadow is received. |
shadow |
Specifies the resolution of the volumetric clouds shadow map. |
shadows | Enable/Disable the volumetric clouds shadow. This will override the cookie of your directional light and the cloud layer shadow (if active). |
shape |
Controls the larger noise passing through the cloud coverage. A higher value will yield less cloud coverage and smaller clouds. |
shape |
Controls the world space offset applied when evaluating the larger noise passing through the cloud coverage. |
shape |
Controls the size of the larger noise passing through the cloud coverage. |
shape |
Controls the multiplier to the speed of the larger cloud shapes. |
sun |
Controls the influence of the sun light on the cloud volume. A lower value will suppress the sun light and produce darker clouds overall. |
temporal |
Temporal accumulation increases the visual quality of clouds by decreasing the noise. A higher value will give you better quality but can create ghosting. |
vertical |
Controls the vertical wind speed of the erosion cloud shapes. |
vertical |
Controls the vertical wind speed of the larger cloud shapes. |
Name | Description |
cloud |
Specifies the weather preset in Simple mode. |
Name | Description |
On |
Called after deserializing |
On |
Called before serializing |