Class GlobalLightingQualitySettings
Global lighting quality settings.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public sealed class GlobalLightingQualitySettings
Name | Description |
AOBilateralUpsample | Ambient Occlusion uses bilateral upsample for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
AODirectionCount | Ambient Occlusion direction count for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 1 and 6. |
AOFullRes | Ambient Occlusion uses full resolution buffer for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
AOMaximumRadiusPixels | Ambient Occlusion maximum radius for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 16 and 256. |
AOStepCount | Ambient Occlusion step count for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 2 and 32. |
ContactShadowSampleCount | Contact shadow sample count for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 4 and 64. |
Fog_Budget | Controls the budget of the volumetric fog effect. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0 and 1. |
Fog_ControlMode | Controls which control mode should be used to define the volumetric fog parameters. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
Fog_DepthRatio | Controls how the budget is shared between screen resolution and depth. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0 and 1. |
RTAODenoise | Defines if the ray traced ambient occlusion should be denoised. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTAODenoiserRadius | Controls the radius of the ray traced ambient occlusion denoiser. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0.001 and 1. |
RTAORayLength | Controls the length of ray traced ambient occlusion rays. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0.01. |
RTAOSampleCount | Number of samples for evaluating the effect. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 1 and 64. |
RTGIClampValue | Clamp value used to reduce the variance in the integration signal. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0.001 and 10. |
RTGIDenoise | Flag that enables the first denoising pass. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTGIDenoiserRadius | Flag that defines the radius of the first denoiser. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0.001 and 1.0. |
RTGIFullResolution | Controls if the effect should be computed at full resolution. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTGIHalfResDenoise | Flag that defines if the denoiser should be evaluated at half resolution. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTGIRayLength | Controls the length of ray traced global illumination rays. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0.01. |
RTGIRaySteps | Controls the number of ray steps for hybrid tracing. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0. |
RTGISecondDenoise | Flag that enables the second denoising pass. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTRClampValue | Clamp value used to reduce the variance in the integration signal. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0.001 and 10. |
RTRDenoise | Flag that enables the first denoising pass. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTRDenoiserRadius | Flag that defines the radius of the first denoiser. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 1 and 32. |
RTRFullResolution | Controls if the effect should be computed at full resolution. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTRMinSmoothness | Controls the minimal smoothness. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0 and 1. |
RTRRayLength | Controls the length of ray traced reflection rays. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0.01. |
RTRRayMaxIterations | Controls if the effect should be computed at full resolution. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0. |
RTRSmoothDenoising | Flag that defines smooth denoising status. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level. |
RTRSmoothnessFadeStart | Controls the minimal smoothness. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must be between 0 and 1. |
SSGIDenoise | Flag that enables the first denoising pass. |
SSGIDenoiserRadius | Flag that defines the radius of the first denoiser. |
SSGIHalfResDenoise | Flag that defines if the denoiser should be evaluated at half resolution. |
SSGIRaySteps | Screen space global illumination step count for the ray marching. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0. |
SSGISecondDenoise | Flag that enables the second denoising pass. |
SSRMaxRaySteps | Maximum number of rays for Screen Space Reflection for each quality level. The array must have one entry per scalable setting level, and elements must above 0. |