Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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Язык программирования

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Благодарим вас за то, что вы помогаете нам улучшить качество документации по Unity. Однако, мы не можем принять любой перевод. Мы проверяем каждый предложенный вами вариант перевода и принимаем его только если он соответствует оригиналу.


Ошибка внесения изменений

По определённым причинам предложенный вами перевод не может быть принят. Пожалуйста <a>попробуйте снова</a> через пару минут. И выражаем вам свою благодарность за то, что вы уделяете время, чтобы улучшить документацию по Unity.



public function GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions(): ProceduralPropertyDescription[];
public ProceduralPropertyDescription[] GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions();


Get an array of descriptions of all the ProceduralProperties this ProceduralMaterial has.

This can be used to build generic GUI that can be used to edit the properties of any ProceduralMaterial without knowing its properties in advance.

var scrolling : Vector2;
var rend: Renderer;

function Start() { rend = GetComponent.<Renderer>(); }

function OnGUI () { if (rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial) { // Show substance properties inside window var windowRect = new Rect (Screen.width-250, 30, 220, Screen.height-60); GUI.Window (0, windowRect, ProceduralPropertiesGUI, "Procedural Properties"); } }

function ProceduralPropertiesGUI (windowId : int) { scrolling = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrolling); var substance = rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial; // Get a list of all the Procedural properties var inputs = substance.GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions (); // Iterate through all the properties for (var i : int = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; // Handle the different types of properties var type = input.type; // Show a boolean as a toggle if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Boolean) { var inputBool = substance.GetProceduralBoolean (; var oldInputBool = inputBool; inputBool = GUILayout.Toggle (inputBool,; if (inputBool != oldInputBool) substance.SetProceduralBoolean (, inputBool); } // Show a float as a slider else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Float) { // Only show GUI for numbers with a defined range if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label (; var inputFloat = substance.GetProceduralFloat (; var oldInputFloat = inputFloat; inputFloat = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (inputFloat, input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputFloat != oldInputFloat) substance.SetProceduralFloat (, inputFloat); } } // Show a vector as multiple sliders else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector4 ) { // Only show GUI for numbers with a defined range if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label (; // How many components are in this vector? var vectorComponentAmount = 4; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2) vectorComponentAmount = 2; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3) vectorComponentAmount = 3; var inputVector = substance.GetProceduralVector (; var oldInputVector = inputVector; // Loop through the vector component and show a slider for each for (var c : int = 0; c < vectorComponentAmount; c++) inputVector[c] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider ( inputVector[c], input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputVector != oldInputVector) substance.SetProceduralVector (, inputVector); } } // Show a color as multiple sliders else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color4) { GUILayout.Label (; // How many numbers are in this color? var colorComponentAmount = (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 ? 3 : 4); var colorInput = substance.GetProceduralColor (; var oldColorInput = colorInput; // Loop through the vector numbers and show a slider for each for (var d : int = 0; d < colorComponentAmount; d++) colorInput[d] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (colorInput[d], 0, 1); if (colorInput != oldColorInput) substance.SetProceduralColor (, colorInput); } // Show an enum as a selection grid else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Enum) { GUILayout.Label (; var enumInput = substance.GetProceduralEnum (; var oldEnumInput = enumInput; var enumOptions = input.enumOptions; enumInput = GUILayout.SelectionGrid (enumInput, enumOptions, 1); if (enumInput != oldEnumInput) substance.SetProceduralEnum (, enumInput); } } // Rebuild the textures to show the changes substance.RebuildTextures(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass2 : MonoBehaviour {

public Vector2 scrolling; public Renderer rend; void Start() { rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); } void OnGUI() { if (rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial) { Rect windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width - 250, 30, 220, Screen.height - 60); GUI.Window(0, windowRect, ProceduralPropertiesGUI, "Procedural Properties"); } } void ProceduralPropertiesGUI(int windowId) { scrolling = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrolling); ProceduralMaterial substance = rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial; ProceduralPropertyDescription[] inputs = substance.GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions(); // Iterate through all the properties int i = 0; while (i < inputs.Length) { ProceduralPropertyDescription input = inputs[i]; ProceduralPropertyType type = input.type; // Show a boolean as a toggle if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Boolean) { bool inputBool = substance.GetProceduralBoolean(; bool oldInputBool = inputBool; inputBool = GUILayout.Toggle(inputBool,; if (inputBool != oldInputBool) substance.SetProceduralBoolean(, inputBool); } // Show a float as a slider else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Float) { if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label(; float inputFloat = substance.GetProceduralFloat(; float oldInputFloat = inputFloat; inputFloat = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inputFloat, input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputFloat != oldInputFloat) substance.SetProceduralFloat(, inputFloat); } } // Show a vector as multiple sliders else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector4) // Only show GUI for numbers with a defined range if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label(; int vectorComponentAmount = 4; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2) vectorComponentAmount = 2; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3) vectorComponentAmount = 3; Vector4 inputVector = substance.GetProceduralVector(; Vector4 oldInputVector = inputVector; int c = 0; while (c < vectorComponentAmount) { inputVector[c] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inputVector[c], input.minimum, input.maximum); c++; } if (inputVector != oldInputVector) substance.SetProceduralVector(, inputVector); } else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color4) { GUILayout.Label(; int colorComponentAmount = ((type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3) ? 3 : 4); Color colorInput = substance.GetProceduralColor(; Color oldColorInput = colorInput; int d = 0; while (d < colorComponentAmount) { colorInput[d] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(colorInput[d], 0, 1); d++; } if (colorInput != oldColorInput) substance.SetProceduralColor(, colorInput); } // Show an enum as a selection grid else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Enum) { GUILayout.Label(; int enumInput = substance.GetProceduralEnum(; int oldEnumInput = enumInput; string[] enumOptions = input.enumOptions; enumInput = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(enumInput, enumOptions, 1); if (enumInput != oldEnumInput) substance.SetProceduralEnum(, enumInput); } i++; }

// Rebuild the textures to show the changes substance.RebuildTextures(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } }