Class Exposure
A volume component that holds settings for the Exposure effect.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public sealed class Exposure : VolumeComponent, IApplyRevertPropertyContextMenuItemProvider, IPostProcessComponent
Name | Description |
adaptation |
Specifies the method that HDRP uses to change the exposure when the Camera moves from dark to light and vice versa.
This parameter is only used when Automatic or Curve |
adaptation |
Sets the speed at which the exposure changes when the Camera moves from a dark area to a bright area.
This parameter is only used when Automatic or Curve |
adaptation |
Sets the speed at which the exposure changes when the Camera moves from a bright area to a dark area.
This parameter is only used when Automatic or Curve |
center |
Sets whether the procedural metering mask is centered around the exposure target (to be set on the camera) |
compensation | Sets the compensation that the Camera applies to the calculated exposure value. This parameter is only used when any mode but Fixed is set. |
curve |
Specifies a curve that remaps the Scene exposure on the x-axis to the exposure you want on the y-axis.
This parameter is only used when Curve |
fixed |
Sets a static exposure value for Cameras in this Volume. This parameter is only used when Fixed is set. |
histogram |
These values are the lower and upper percentages of the histogram that will be used to find a stable average luminance. Values outside of this range will be discarded and won't contribute to the average luminance. |
histogram |
Sets whether histogram exposure mode will remap the computed exposure with a curve remapping (akin to Curve Remapping mode) |
limit |
Sets the maximum value that the Scene exposure can be set to.
This parameter is only used when Automatic or Curve |
limit |
Specifies a curve that determines for each current exposure value (x-value) what maximum value is allowed to auto-adaptation (y-axis).
This parameter is only used when Curve |
limit |
Sets the minimum value that the Scene exposure can be set to.
This parameter is only used when Automatic or Curve |
limit |
Specifies a curve that determines for each current exposure value (x-value) what minimum value is allowed to auto-adaptation (y-axis).
This parameter is only used when Curve |
luminance |
Specifies the luminance source that HDRP uses to calculate the current Scene exposure. |
mask |
All pixels above this threshold (in EV100 units) will be assigned a weight of 0 in the metering mask. |
mask |
All pixels below this threshold (in EV100 units) will be assigned a weight of 0 in the metering mask. |
metering |
Specifies the metering method that HDRP uses the filter the luminance source. |
mode | Specifies the method that HDRP uses to process exposure. |
procedural |
Sets the center of the procedural metering mask ([0,0] being bottom left of the screen and [1,1] top right of the screen) |
procedural |
Sets the radii of the procedural mask, in terms of fraction of half the screen (i.e. 0.5 means a mask that stretch half of the screen in both directions). |
procedural |
Sets the softness of the mask, the higher the value the less influence is given to pixels at the edge of the mask. |
target |
Sets the desired Mid gray level used by the auto exposure (i.e. to what grey value the auto exposure system maps the average scene luminance). Note that the lens model used in HDRP is not of a perfect lens, hence it will not map precisely to the selected value. |
weight |
Sets the texture mask used to weight the pixels in the buffer when computing exposure. |
Name | Description |
Is |
Tells if the effect needs to be rendered or not. |