Legacy Documentation: Version 5.1
Advanced Integration
Custom Events (optional)

Monetization (recommended)

Unity Analytics provides a flexible method for tracking monetization events through in-app purchases. This method should be called every time a player triggers a monetization event.

Currently, we support iOS and Android platforms for receipt verifications. To validate Android monetization, please enter your Google Public Key in Unity Analytics Project Form.

The Transaction method requires a price parameter, a currency and an optional Apple iTunes / Google Play receipt string.

 // Reference the Unity Analytics SDK package
  using UnityEngine.Analytics;

  // Use this call for each and every place that a player triggers a monetization event
  Analytics.Transaction(string productId, decimal price,
  string currency, string receipt,
  string signature);
Name Type Description
productId string The id of the purchased item.
price decimal The price of the item.
currency string Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. For example “USD” (United States Dollars). See here for a standardized list of currency abbreviations.
receipt string Receipt data (iOS) or receipt ID (Android) for in-app purchases to verify purchases with Apple iTunes or Google play. Use null in the absence of receipts. For more details see the Receipt Verification Guide on the forums.
signature string Android receipt signature. If using native Android use the INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE string containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme. Pass in null in the absence of a signature.

The example below is for a $0.99 transaction in USD without receipt validation.

UnityAnalytics.Transaction("12345abcde", 0.99m, "USD", null, null);

Validate Monetization (optional)

The Unity Editor can act as a test environment to validate the Unity Analytics integration. This means that it is not required that you build and publish your game in order to validate the Basic Integration.

Validate Your Integration To send test data to our servers and validate your integration, simply play your game by pressing the Play button.

Advanced Integration
Custom Events (optional)