Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5
How do I use Water?
Art Asset Best-Practice Guide

FBX export guide

Unity supports FBX files which can be generated from many popular 3D applications. Use these guidelines to help ensure the most best results.

Select > Prepare > Check Settings > Export > Verify > Import

What do you want to export?

Be aware of export scope e.g. meshes, cameras, lights, animation rigs, etc.

  • Applications often let you export selected objects or a whole scene
  • Make sure you are exporting only the objects you want to use from your scene by either exporting selected, or removing unwanted data from your scene.
  • Good working practice often means keeping a working file with all lights, guides, control rigs etc. but only export the data you need with export selected, an export preset or even a custom scene exporter.

What do you need to include?

Prepare your assets:

  • Meshes - Remove construction history, Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons - e.g. triangulate or quadrangulate
  • Animation - Select the correct rig, check frame rate, animation length etc.
  • Blend Shapes / Morphing - Make sure your Blendshapes (Maya) or Morph targets (Max) are assigned / set up the export mesh appropriately
  • Textures - Make sure your textures are sourced already from your Unity project or copied into a folder called \textures in your project
  • Smoothing - Check if you want smoothing groups and/or smooth mesh

How do I include those elements?

Check the FBX export settings

  • Be aware of your settings in the export dialogue so that you know what to expect and can match up the fbx settings In Unity - see figs 1, 2 & 3 below
  • Check Animation / Deformations / Skins / Morphs as appropriate
  • Nodes, markers and their transforms can be exported
  • Cameras and Lights are not currently imported in to Unity

Which version of FBX are you using?

Use the Latest Version of FBX where possible.

  • Autodesk update their FBX installer regularly and it can provide different results with different versions of their own software and other 3rd party 3D apps

  • See Advanced Options > FBX file format

  • If you have any issues you can revert to 2012.2 if necessary

Will it work?

Verify your export

  • Check your file size - do a sanity check on the file size (e.g. >10kb?)
  • Re-import your FBX into a new scene in the 3D package you use to generate it - is it what you expected?


  • Import into Unity
  • Check FBX import settings in inspector : texures, animations, smoothing, etc.

See below for Maya FBX dialogue example:

General, Geometry & Animation
General, Geometry & Animation
Lights, Advanced options
Lights, Advanced options
How do I use Water?
Art Asset Best-Practice Guide