
static function BringWindowToFront (windowID : int) : void


windowID the identifier used when you created the window in the Window call.


Bring a specific window to front of the floating windows.

// Draws 2 overlapped windows and when clicked on 1 window's button
// Brings the other window to the front.

private var windowRect : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50);
private var windowRect2 : Rect = Rect (80, 20, 120, 50);

function OnGUI () {
windowRect = GUI.Window (0, windowRect, DoMyFirstWindow, "First");
windowRect2 = GUI.Window (1, windowRect2, DoMySecondWindow, "Second" );

function DoMyFirstWindow (windowID : int) {
if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,20,100,20), "Bring to front"))
GUI.BringWindowToFront(1); //Bring the 2nd window to front
GUI.DragWindow(Rect (0,0, 10000, 20));

function DoMySecondWindow (windowID : int) {
if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,20,100,20), "Bring to front"))
GUI.BringWindowToFront(0); //Bring the 1rst window to front
GUI.DragWindow(Rect (0,0, 10000, 20));