Class PreviewSurfaceSample
The following is based on the Pixar specification found here:
Namespace: USD.NET.Unity
Assembly: solution.dll
public class PreviewSurfaceSample : ShaderSample
Name | Description |
Preview |
Name | Description |
clearcoat | Second specular lobe amount. The color is white. |
clearcoat |
Roughness for the second specular lobe. |
diffuse |
When using metallic workflow this is interpreted as albedo. |
displacement | Displacement in the direction of the normal. |
emissive |
Emissive component. |
ior | Index of Refraction to be used for translucent objects. |
metallic | Use 1 for metallic surfaces and 0 for non-metallic.
normal | Expects normal in tangent space [(-1,-1,-1), (1,1,1)] This means your texture reader implementation should provide data to this node that is properly scaled and ready to be consumed as a tangent space normal. |
occlusion | Extra information about the occlusion of different parts of the mesh that this material is applied to. Occlusion only makes sense as a surface-varying signal, and pathtracers will likely choose to ignore it. An occlusion value of 0.0 means the surface point is fully occluded by other parts of the surface, and a value of 1.0 means the surface point is completely unoccluded by other parts of the surface. |
opacity | When opacity is 1.0 then the prim is fully opaque, if it is smaller than 1.0 then the prim is translucent, when it is 0 the prim is transparent. |
opacity |
The opacityThreshold input is useful for creating geometric cut-outs based on the opacity input. |
outputs | |
roughness | Roughness for the specular lobe. The value ranges from 0 to 1, which goes from a perfectly specular surface at 0.0 to maximum roughness of the specular lobe. This value is usually squared before use with a GGX or Beckmann lobe. |
specular |
Specular color to be used. This is the color at 0 incidence. Edge color is assumed white. Transition between the two colors according to Schlick fresnel approximation. |
use |
This node can fundamentally operate in two modes : Specular workflow where you provide a texture/value to the "specularColor" input. Or, Metallic workflow where you provide a texture/value to the "metallic" input. Depending on the 0 or 1 value of this parameter, the following parameters are conditionally enabled. |