Namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline
Start rendering that supports XR.
This pass enables XR rendering. You must also configure the XR rendering in the global XR Graphics settings.
Pair this pass with the EndXRRenderingPass. If this pass is issued without a matching EndXRRenderingPass it will lead to undefined rendering results.
Copy the given color buffer to the given destination color buffer.
You can use this pass to copy a color buffer to the destination, so you can use it later in rendering. For example, you can copy the opaque texture to use it for distortion effects.
Copy the given depth buffer into the given destination depth buffer.
You can use this pass to copy a depth buffer to a destination, so you can use it later in rendering. If the source texture has MSAA enabled, the pass uses a custom MSAA resolve. If the source texture does not have MSAA enabled, the pass uses a Blit or a Copy Texture operation, depending on what the current platform supports.
Generate rendering attachments that can be used for rendering.
You can use this pass to generate valid rendering targets that the Lightweight Render Pipeline can use for rendering. For example, when you render a frame, the LWRP renders into a valid color and depth buffer.
Render all objects that have a 'DepthOnly' pass into the given depth buffer.
You can use this pass to prime a depth buffer for subsequent rendering. Use it as a z-prepass, or use it to generate a depth buffer.
Draw the skybox into the given color buffer using the given depth buffer for depth testing.
This pass renders the standard Unity skybox.
End XR rendering
This pass disables XR rendering. Pair this pass with the BeginXRRenderingPass. If this pass is issued without a matching BeginXRRenderingPass it will lead to undefined rendering results.
Copy the given color target to the current camera target
You can use this pass to copy the result of rendering to the camera target. The pass takes the screen viewport into consideration.
Perform Opaque post-processing using the given color attachment as the source and destination
You can use this pass to apply post-processing to the given color buffer. The pass uses the currently configured post-process stack, and it copies the result back to the source texture.
Render all opaque forward objects into the given color and depth target
You can use this pass to render objects that have a material and/or shader with the pass names LightweightForward or SRPDefaultUnlit. The pass only renders objects in the rendering queue range of Opaque objects.
Render all transparent forward objects into the given color and depth target
You can use this pass to render objects that have a material and/or shader with the pass names LightweightForward or SRPDefaultUnlit. The pass only renders objects in the rendering queue range of Transparent objects.
Inherit from this class to perform custom rendering in the Lightweight Render Pipeline.
Set up camera properties for the current pass.
This pass is used to configure shader uniforms and other unity properties that are required for rendering.
- Setup Camera RenderTarget and Viewport
- VR Camera Setup and SINGLE_PASS_STEREO props
- Setup camera view, projection and their inverse matrices.
- Setup properties: _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ProjectionParams, _ScreenParams, _ZBufferParams, unity_OrthoParams
- Setup camera world clip planes properties
- Setup HDR keyword
- Setup global time properties (_Time, _SinTime, _CosTime)
Configure the shader constants needed by the render pipeline
This pass configures constants that LWRP uses when rendering. For example, you can execute this pass before you render opaque objects, to make sure that lights are configured correctly.
Perform final frame post-processing using the given color attachment as the source and the current camera target as the destination.
You can use this pass to apply post-processing to the given color buffer. The pass uses the currently configured post-process stack, and it copies the result to the Camera target.