Class LocalizedAssetBehaviour<TObject, TReference>
Abstract class that can be inherited from to create a general purpose Localized Asset Component. This Component handles the Localization of the asset and calls UpdateAsset(TObject) whenever a new Localized Asset is ready.
LocalizedAssetBehaviour<TObject, TReference>
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Localization.Components
Assembly: Unity.Localization.dll
public abstract class LocalizedAssetBehaviour<TObject, TReference> : LocalizedMonoBehaviour where TObject : Object where TReference : LocalizedAsset<TObject>, new()
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TObject | The type of Asset to be Localized. Must inherit from UnityEngine.Object |
TReference | The Serializable LocalizedAsset class. This will be used for the AssetReference property. |
This example shows how the Font asset of a UGUI Text Component could be localized.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Components;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LocalizedFont : LocalizedAsset<Font> {}
public class LocalizedFontComponent : LocalizedAssetBehaviour<Font, LocalizedFont>
public Text text;
protected override void UpdateAsset(Font localizedFont)
text.font = localizedFont;
Name | Description |
AssetReference | Reference to the Table and Entry which will be used to identify the asset being localized. |
Name | Description |
UpdateAsset(TObject) | Called when AssetReference has been loaded. This will occur when the game first starts after InitializationOperation has completed and whenever the SelectedLocale is changed. |