Class PlayerInput
Represents a separate player in the game complete with a set of actions exclusive to the player and a set of paired device.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.InputSystem
[AddComponentMenu("Input/Player Input")]
public class PlayerInput : MonoBehaviour
PlayerInput is a high-level wrapper around much of the input system's functionality which is meant to help getting set up with the new input system quickly. It takes care of InputAction bookkeeping and has a custom UI(requires the "Unity UI" package) to help setting up input.
The component supports local multiplayer implicitly. Each PlayerInput instance represents a distinct user with its own set of devices and actions. To orchestrate player management and facilitate mechanics such as joining by device activity, use PlayerInputManager.
The way PlayerInput notifies script code of events is determined by notificationBehavior. By default, this is set to SendMessages which will use SendMessage to send messages to the GameObject that PlayerInput sits on.
// Component to sit next to PlayerInput.
public class MyPlayerLogic : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject projectilePrefab;
private Vector2 m_Look;
private Vector2 m_Move;
private bool m_Fire;
// 'Fire' input action has been triggered. For 'Fire' we want continuous
// action (that is, firing) while the fire button is held such that the action
// gets triggered repeatedly while the button is down. We can easily set this
// up by having a "Press" interaction on the button and setting it to repeat
// at fixed intervals.
public void OnFire()
// 'Move' input action has been triggered.
public void OnMove(InputValue value)
m_Move = value.Get<Vector2>();
// 'Look' input action has been triggered.
public void OnLook(InputValue value)
m_Look = value.Get<Vector2>();
public void OnUpdate()
// Update transform from m_Move and m_Look
It is also possible to use the polling API of InputActions (see triggered and ReadValue<TValue>()) in combination with PlayerInput.
// Component to sit next to PlayerInput.
public class MyPlayerLogic : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject projectilePrefab;
private PlayerInput m_PlayerInput;
private InputAction m_LookAction;
private InputAction m_MoveAction;
private InputAction m_FireAction;
public void OnUpdate()
// First update we look up all the data we need.
// NOTE: We don't do this in OnEnable as PlayerInput itself performing some
// initialization work in OnEnable.
if (m_PlayerInput == null)
m_PlayerInput = GetComponent<PlayerInput>();
m_FireAction = m_PlayerInput.actions["fire"];
m_LookAction = m_PlayerInput.actions["look"];
m_MoveAction = m_PlayerInput.actions["move"];
if (m_FireAction.triggered)
/* firing logic... */;
var move = m_MoveAction.ReadValue<Vector2>();
var look = m_LookAction.ReadValue<Vector2>();
/* Update transform from move&look... */
When enabled, PlayerInput will create an InputUser and pair devices to the user which are then specific to the player. The set of devices can be controlled explicitly when instantiating a PlayerInput through Instantiate(GameObject, Int32, String, Int32, InputDevice[]) or Instantiate(GameObject, Int32, String, Int32, InputDevice). This also makes it possible to assign the same device to two different players, e.g. for split-keyboard play.
var p1 = PlayerInput.Instantiate(playerPrefab,
controlScheme: "KeyboardLeft", device: Keyboard.current);
var p2 = PlayerInput.Instantiate(playerPrefab,
controlScheme: "KeyboardRight", device: Keyboard.current);
If no specific devices are given to a PlayerInput, the component will look for compatible devices present in the system and pair them to itself automatically. If the PlayerInput's actions have control schemes defined for them, PlayerInput will look for a control scheme for which all required devices are available and not paired to any other player. It will try defaultControlScheme first (if set), but then fall back to trying all available schemes in order. Once a scheme is found for which all required devices are available, PlayerInput will pair those devices to itself and select the given scheme.
If no control schemes are defined, PlayerInput will try to bind as many as-of-yet unpaired devices to itself as it can match to bindings present in the actions. This means that if, for example, there's binding for both keyboard and gamepad and there is one keyboard and two gamepads available when PlayerInput is enabled, all three devices will be paired to the player.
Note that when using PlayerInputManager, device pairing to players is controlled from the joining logic. In that case, PlayerInput will automatically pair the device from which the player joined. If control schemes are present in actions, the first one compatible with that device is chosen. If additional devices are required, these will be paired from the pool of currently unpaired devices.
Device pairings can be changed at any time by either manually controlling pairing through PerformPairingWithDevice(InputDevice, InputUser, InputUserPairingOptions) (and related methods) using a PlayerInput's assigned user or by switching control schemes (e.g. using SwitchCurrentControlScheme(String, InputDevice[])), if any are present in the PlayerInput's actions.
When a player loses a device paired to it (e.g. when it is unplugged or loses power), InputUser will signal DeviceLost which is also surfaced as a message, deviceLostEvent, or onDeviceLost (depending on notificationBehavior). When a device is reconnected, InputUser will signal DeviceRegained which also is surfaced as a message, as deviceRegainedEvent, or onDeviceRegained (depending on notificationBehavior).
When there is only a single active PlayerInput in the game, joining is not enabled (see
joiningEnabled), and neverAutoSwitchControlSchemes is not
set to true
, device pairings for the player will also update automatically based on device usage.
If control schemes are present in actions, then if a device is used (not merely plugged in but rather receives input on a non-noisy, non-synthetic control) which is compatible with a control scheme other than the currently used one, PlayerInput will attempt to switch to that control scheme. Success depends on whether all device requirements for that scheme are met from the set of available devices. If a control scheme happens, InputUser signals ControlSchemeChanged on onChange.
If no control schemes are present in actions, PlayerInput will automatically pair any newly available device to itself if the given device has any bindings available for it.
Both behaviors described in the previous two paragraphs are automatically disabled if more than one PlayerInput is active.
Name of the message that is sent with UnityEngine.Object.SendMessage
when the
controls used by a player are changed.
public const string ControlsChangedMessage = "OnControlsChanged"
Field Value
Type | Description |
String |
See Also
Name of the message that is sent with UnityEngine.Object.SendMessage
when a
player loses a device.
public const string DeviceLostMessage = "OnDeviceLost"
Field Value
Type | Description |
String |
See Also
Name of the message that is sent with UnityEngine.Object.SendMessage
when a
player regains a device.
public const string DeviceRegainedMessage = "OnDeviceRegained"
Field Value
Type | Description |
String |
See Also
List of events invoked in response to actions being triggered.
public ReadOnlyArray<PlayerInput.ActionEvent> actionEvents { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ReadOnlyArray<PlayerInput.ActionEvent> |
This array is only used if notificationBehavior is set to InvokeUnityEvents.
Input actions associated with the player.
public InputActionAsset actions { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionAsset | Asset holding the player's input actions. |
Note that every player will maintain a unique copy of the given actions such that each player receives an identical copy. When assigning the same actions to multiple players, the first player will use the given actions as is but any subsequent player will make a copy of the actions using Instantiate.
The asset may contain an arbitrary number of action maps. By setting defaultActionMap, one of them can be selected to enabled automatically when PlayerInput is enabled. If no default action map is selected, none of the action maps will be enabled by PlayerInput itself. Use SwitchCurrentActionMap(String) or just call Enable() directly to enable a specific map.
Notifications will be sent for all actions in the asset, not just for those in the first action map. This means that if additional maps are manually enabled and disabled, notifications will be sent for their actions as they receive input.
See Also
List of all players that are currently joined. Sorted by playerIndex in increasing order.
public static ReadOnlyArray<PlayerInput> all { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ReadOnlyArray<PlayerInput> | List of active PlayerInputs. |
While the list is sorted by playerIndex, note that this does not mean that the playerIndex of a player corresponds to the index in this list. If, for example, three players join and then the second player leaves, the list will contain one player with playerIndex 0 followed by one player with playerIndex 2.
See Also
Optional camera associated with the player.
public Camera camera { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Camera | Camera specific to the player or |
This is null
by default.
Associating a camera with a player is necessary only when using split-screen (see splitScreen).
Event that is triggered when the controls used by the player change.
public PlayerInput.ControlsChangedEvent controlsChangedEvent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
PlayerInput.ControlsChangedEvent |
This event is only used if notificationBehavior is set to InvokeUnityEvents.
The event is trigger when the set of devices used by the player change, when the player switches to a different control scheme (see currentControlScheme), or when the bindings used by the player are changed (e.g. when rebinding them). Also, for Keyboard devices, the event is triggered when the currently used keyboard layout (see keyboardLayout) changes.
The currently enabled action map.
public InputActionMap currentActionMap { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionMap | Reference to the currently enabled action or |
Note that the concept of "current action map" is local to PlayerInput. You can still freely enable and disable action maps directly on the actions asset. This property only tracks which action map has been enabled under the control of PlayerInput, i.e. either by means of defaultActionMap or by using SwitchCurrentActionMap(String).
See Also
Name of the currently active control scheme.
public string currentControlScheme { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
String | Name of the currently active control scheme or |
Note that this property will be null
if there are no control schemes
defined in actions.
See Also
public string defaultActionMap { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
String | Action map to enable by default or |
By default, when enabled, PlayerInput will not enable any of the actions in the actions asset. By setting this property, however, PlayerInput can be made to automatically enable the respective action map.
See Also
The default control scheme to try.
public string defaultControlScheme { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
String | Name of the default control scheme. |
When PlayerInput is enabled and this is not null
and not empty, the PlayerInput
will look up the control scheme in controlSchemes of
actions. If found, PlayerInput will try to activate the scheme. This will
succeed only if all devices required by the control scheme are either already paired to
the player or are available as devices not used by other PlayerInputs.
Note that this property only determines the first control scheme to try. If using the control scheme fails, PlayerInput will fall back to trying the other control schemes (if any) available from actions.
See Also
Event that is triggered when the player loses a device (e.g. the batteries run out).
public PlayerInput.DeviceLostEvent deviceLostEvent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
PlayerInput.DeviceLostEvent |
This event is only used if notificationBehavior is set to InvokeUnityEvents.
Event that is triggered when the player recovers from device loss and is good to go again.
public PlayerInput.DeviceRegainedEvent deviceRegainedEvent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
PlayerInput.DeviceRegainedEvent |
This event is only used if notificationBehavior is set to InvokeUnityEvents.
The devices paired to the player.
public ReadOnlyArray<InputDevice> devices { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ReadOnlyArray<InputDevice> | List of devices paired to player. |
See Also
Whether the player is missed required devices. This means that the player's input setup is probably at least partially non-functional.
public bool hasMissingRequiredDevices { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean | True if the player is missing devices required by the control scheme. |
This can happen, for example, if the a device is unplugged during the game.
See Also
Whether input is on the player is active.
public bool inputIsActive { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean | If true, the player is receiving input. |
See Also
Whether PlayerInput operates in single-player mode.
public static bool isSinglePlayer { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean | If true, there is at most a single PlayerInput. |
Single-player mode is active while there is at most one PlayerInput (there can also be none) and while joining is not enabled in PlayerInputManager (if one exists). See joiningEnabled.
Automatic control scheme switching (if enabled) is predicated on single-player mode being active.
See Also
If true, do not automatically switch control schemes even when there is only a single player. By default, this property is false.
public bool neverAutoSwitchControlSchemes { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean | If true, do not switch control schemes when other devices are used. |
By default, when there is only a single PlayerInput enabled, we assume that the game is in single-player mode and that the player should be able to freely switch between the control schemes supported by the game. For example, if the player is currently using mouse and keyboard, but is then switching to a gamepad, PlayerInput should automatically switch to the control scheme for gamepads, if present.
When there is more than one PlayerInput or when joining is enabled PlayerInputManager, this behavior is automatically turned off as we wouldn't know which player is switching if a currently unpaired device is used.
By setting this property to true, auto-switching of control schemes is forcibly turned off and will thus not be performed even if there is only a single PlayerInput in the game.
Note that you can still switch control schemes manually using SwitchCurrentControlScheme(String, InputDevice[]).
See Also
Determines how the component notifies listeners about input actions and other input-related events pertaining to the player.
public PlayerNotifications notificationBehavior { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
PlayerNotifications | How to trigger notifications on events. |
By default, the component will use SendMessage to send messages to the GameObject. This can be changed by selecting a different PlayerNotifications behavior.
See Also
Unique, zero-based index of the player. For example, 2
for the third player.
public int playerIndex { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32 | Unique index of the player. |
Once assigned, a player index will not change.
Note that the player index does not necessarily correspond to the player's index in all. The array will always contain all currently enabled players so when a player is disabled or destroyed, it will be removed from the array. However, the player index of the remaining players will not change.
If split-screen is enabled (splitScreen), this is the index of the screen area used by the player.
public int splitScreenIndex { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32 | Index of split-screen area assigned to player or -1 if the player is not using split-screen. |
Split screen areas are enumerated row by row and within rows, column by column. So, if, for example, there are four separate split-screen areas, the upper left one is #0, the upper right one is #1, the lower left one is #2, and the lower right one is #3.
Split screen areas are usually assigned automatically but players can also be assigned to areas explicitly through Instantiate(GameObject, Int32, String, Int32, InputDevice) or JoinPlayer(Int32, Int32, String, InputDevice).
See Also
UI InputModule that should have it's input actions synchronized to this PlayerInput's actions.
public InputSystemUIInputModule uiInputModule { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputSystemUIInputModule |
The internal user tied to the player.
public InputUser user { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputUser |
Enable input on the player.
public void ActivateInput()
Input will automatically be activated when the PlayerInput component is enabled. However, this method can be called to reactivate input after deactivating it with DeactivateInput().
Note that activating input will activate the current action map only (see currentActionMap).
See Also
Disable input on the player.
public void DeactivateInput()
Input is automatically activated when the PlayerInput component is enabled. This method can be used to deactivate input manually.
Note that activating input will deactivate the current action map only (see currentActionMap).
Debug helper method that can be hooked up to actions when using InvokeUnityEvents.
public void DebugLogAction(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
Type | Name | Description |
InputAction.CallbackContext | context |
Find the first PlayerInput who the given device is paired to.
public static PlayerInput FindFirstPairedToDevice(InputDevice device)
Type | Name | Description |
InputDevice | device | An input device. |
Type | Description |
PlayerInput | The player who is paired to the given device or |
// Find the player paired to first gamepad.
var player = PlayerInput.FindFirstPairedToDevice(Gamepad.all[0]);
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
Return the first device of the given type from devices paired to the player.
If no device of this type is paired to the player, return null
public TDevice GetDevice<TDevice>()
where TDevice : InputDevice
Type | Description |
TDevice | The first device paired to the player that is of the given type or |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TDevice | Type of device to look for (such as Mouse). Can be a supertype of the actual device type. For example, querying for Pointer, may return a Mouse. |
See Also
Return the Nth player.
public static PlayerInput GetPlayerByIndex(int playerIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | playerIndex | Index of the player to return. |
Type | Description |
PlayerInput | The player with the given player index or |
See Also
Instantiate(GameObject, Int32, String, Int32, InputDevice)
Instantiate a player object and set up and enable its inputs.
public static PlayerInput Instantiate(GameObject prefab, int playerIndex = -1, string controlScheme = null, int splitScreenIndex = -1, InputDevice pairWithDevice = null)
Type | Name | Description |
GameObject | prefab | Prefab to clone. Must contain a PlayerInput component somewhere in its hierarchy. |
Int32 | playerIndex | Player index to assign to the player. See playerIndex. By default will be assigned automatically based on how many players are in all. |
String | controlScheme | Control scheme to activate |
Int32 | splitScreenIndex | |
InputDevice | pairWithDevice | Device to pair to the user. By default, this is |
Type | Description |
PlayerInput |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
Instantiate(GameObject, Int32, String, Int32, InputDevice[])
A wrapper around Instantiate that allows instantiating a player prefab and automatically pair one or more specific devices to the newly created player.
public static PlayerInput Instantiate(GameObject prefab, int playerIndex = -1, string controlScheme = null, int splitScreenIndex = -1, params InputDevice[] pairWithDevices)
Type | Name | Description |
GameObject | prefab | A player prefab containing a PlayerInput component in its hierarchy. |
Int32 | playerIndex | |
String | controlScheme | |
Int32 | splitScreenIndex | |
InputDevice[] | pairWithDevices |
Type | Description |
PlayerInput |
Note that unlike Instantiate, this method will always activate the resulting GameObject and its components.
public void SwitchCurrentActionMap(string mapNameOrId)
Type | Name | Description |
String | mapNameOrId |
SwitchCurrentControlScheme(String, InputDevice[])
Switch the player to use the given control scheme together with the given devices.
public void SwitchCurrentControlScheme(string controlScheme, params InputDevice[] devices)
Type | Name | Description |
String | controlScheme | Name of the control scheme. See name. |
InputDevice[] | devices | A list of devices. |
This method can be used to explicitly force a combination of control scheme and a specific set of devices.
// Put player 1 on the "Gamepad" control scheme together
// with the second gamepad.
The player's currently paired devices (see devices) will get unpaired.
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
See Also
Switch the current control scheme to one that fits the given set of devices.
public bool SwitchCurrentControlScheme(params InputDevice[] devices)
Type | Name | Description |
InputDevice[] | devices | A list of input devices. Note that if any of the devices is already paired to another player, the device will end up paired to both players. |
Type | Description |
Boolean | True if the switch was successful, false otherwise. The latter can happen, for example, if actions does not have a control scheme that fits the given set of devices. |
The player's currently paired devices (see devices) will get unpaired.
// Switch the first player to keyboard and mouse.
.SwitchCurrentControlScheme(Keyboard.current, Mouse.current);
Type | Condition |
ArgumentNullException |
InvalidOperationException | actions has not been assigned. |
See Also
If notificationBehavior is set to InvokeCSharpEvents, this event is triggered when an action fires.
public event Action<InputAction.CallbackContext> onActionTriggered
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<InputAction.CallbackContext> | Callbacks that get called when an action triggers. |
If notificationBehavior is not set to InvokeCSharpEvents, the value of this property is ignored.
The callbacks are called in sync (and with the same argument) with started, performed, and canceled.
See Also
If notificationBehavior is InvokeCSharpEvents, this event is triggered when the controls used by the players are changed.
public event Action<PlayerInput> onControlsChanged
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<PlayerInput> |
The callback is invoked when the set of devices used by the player change, when the player switches to a different control scheme (see currentControlScheme), or when the bindings used by the player are changed (e.g. when rebinding them). Also, for Keyboard devices, the callback is invoked when the currently used keyboard layout (see keyboardLayout) changes.
If notificationBehavior is InvokeCSharpEvents, this event is triggered when a device paired to the player is disconnected.
public event Action<PlayerInput> onDeviceLost
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<PlayerInput> | Callbacks that get called when the player loses a device. |
If notificationBehavior is not InvokeCSharpEvents, the value of this property is ignored.
The argument is the player that lost its device (i.e. the player on which the callback is installed).
See Also
If notificationBehavior is InvokeCSharpEvents, this event is triggered when the player previously lost a device and has now regained it or an equivalent device.
public event Action<PlayerInput> onDeviceRegained
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<PlayerInput> | Callbacks that get called when the player regains a device. |
If notificationBehavior is not InvokeCSharpEvents, the value of this property is ignored.
The argument is the player that regained a device (i.e. the player on which the callback is installed).