Name | Description |
value | the value the user can modify. |
position | the position of the handle. |
rotation | the rotation of the handle. |
size | the size of the handle. |
capFunc | the function to use for drawing the handle e.g. Handles.RectangleCap. |
snap | the new value after the user has modified it. Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles. |
Make a single-float draggable handle.
This is used to make the center scale handle. The user can click and drag to scale a single float up and down.
Scale Value handle in the scene view with an arrow cap as the handle.
// Increase/decrease a value just by moving an Arrow Handle
@CustomEditor (ScaleValueModifier)
class ScaleValue extends Editor {
function OnSceneGUI () {
target.floatVal =
if (GUI.changed)
EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);
And the script attached to this Handle:
// ScaleValueModifier.js
// Usage: Place this script on the Game Object
// you want to modify "floatVal" by dragging the Arrow Handle
@script ExecuteInEditMode()
var floatVal : float = 1;
function Update() {
Debug.Log("Value Modified: " + floatVal);