
static function Button (position : Vector3, direction : Quaternion, size : float, pickSize : float, capFunc : DrawCapFunction) : boolean


Make a 3D Button.

This works like a normal GUI.Button, but it has a 3D position and is drawn by a handle function

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.

Button Handle as a rectangle in the Scene View.

// Create a simple button on 3D space and when the user clicks over the handle
// it prints a message.

@CustomEditor (ButtonChecker)
class ButtonHandle extends Editor {
function OnSceneGUI () {
target.checkButton =
Handles.Button(target.transform.position + Vector3(0,2,0),

And the script attached to this handle:

// Usage: Place this script on the object you want to create the button on.
// When the script is placed, just press "Play" and click the rectangle
// that appears over the GameObject

var checkButton : boolean = true;

function Update() {
Debug.Log("The handle button has been pressed!");