Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public function DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix: Matrix4x4, material: Material, shaderPass: int, topology: MeshTopology, bufferWithArgs: ComputeBuffer, argsOffset: int = 0, properties: MaterialPropertyBlock = null): void;
public void DrawProceduralIndirect(Matrix4x4 matrix, Material material, int shaderPass, MeshTopology topology, ComputeBuffer bufferWithArgs, int argsOffset = 0, MaterialPropertyBlock properties = null);


matrix Transformation matrix to use.
material Material to use.
shaderPass Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes).
topology Topology of the procedural geometry.
properties Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock.
bufferWithArgs Buffer with draw arguments.
argsOffset Offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are.


Add a "draw procedural geometry" command.

When the command buffer executes, this will do a draw call on the GPU, without any vertex or index buffers. The amount of geometry to draw is read from a ComputeBuffer. Typical use case is generating arbitrary amount of data from a ComputeShader and then rendering that, without requiring a readback to the CPU.

This is only useful on DirectX 11 level hardware where shaders can read arbitrary data from ComputeBuffer buffers.

Буфер с аргументами - bufferWithArgs должен иметь четыре целых числа в заданном смещении /argsOffset/: количество вершин на объект, количество объектов, положение стартовой вершины, положение стартового объекта. This very much maps to Direct3D11 DrawInstancedIndirect / OpenGL ES 3.1 glDrawArraysIndirect function (on OpenGL ES 3.1 the last argument is reserved and therefore not used).

In the vertex shader, you'd typically use SV_VertexID and SV_InstanceID input variables to fetch data from some buffers.

See Also: DrawProcedural, MaterialPropertyBlock, Graphics.DrawProceduralIndirect, ComputeBuffer.CopyCount, SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders.