Struct WaterSimulationSearchJob
C# Job that evaluate the height for a set of WaterSearchParameters and returns a set of WaterSearchResult (and stored them into native buffers).
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public struct WaterSimulationSearchJob : IJobParallelFor
Name | Description |
candidateLocationWSBuffer | Output native array that holds the set of positions that were used to generate the height value. |
directionBuffer | Output native array that holds the set of direction for each target position; |
error | Target error value at which the algorithm should stop. |
errorBuffer | Output native array that holds the set of horizontal error for each target position. |
excludeSimulation | Specifies if the search should ignore the simulation. |
includeDeformation | Specifies if the search job should include the deformations |
maxIterations | Number of iterations of the search algorithm. |
projectedPositionWSBuffer | Output native array that holds the set of world space position projected on the water surface along the up vector of the water surface. |
simSearchData | Input simulation search data produced by the water surface. |
startPositionWSBuffer | Native array that holds the set of "hint" position that the algorithm starts from. |
stepCountBuffer | Output native array that holds the set of steps that were executed to find the height. |
targetPositionWSBuffer | Native array that holds the set of position that the job will need to evaluate the height for. |
Name | Description |
Execute(int) | Function that evaluates the height for a given element in the input buffer. |