BoxCast(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Box cast.
BoxCast(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Box cast.
BoxCastAll(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Box cast all.
BoxCastCustom<T>(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Box cast custom.
Calculates the aabb.
CalculateDistance(in ColliderAspect, float, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, QueryInteraction)
Calculates the distance from an aspect.
CalculateDistance(in ColliderAspect, float, out DistanceHit, QueryInteraction)
Calculates the distance from an aspect.
CalculateDistance(in ColliderAspect, float, QueryInteraction)
Calculates the distance from an aspect.
Calculates the distance.
CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>)
Calculates the distance.
CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput, out DistanceHit)
Calculates the distance.
Calculates the distance.
CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>)
Calculates the distance.
CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput, out DistanceHit)
Calculates the distance.
CalculateDistance<T>(in ColliderAspect, float, ref T, QueryInteraction)
Calculates the distance from an aspect.
CalculateDistance<T>(ColliderDistanceInput, ref T)
Calculates the distance.
CalculateDistance<T>(PointDistanceInput, ref T)
Calculates the distance.
CapsuleCast(float3, float3, float, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Capsule cast.
CapsuleCast(float3, float3, float, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Capsule cast.
CapsuleCastAll(float3, float3, float, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Capsule cast all.
CapsuleCastCustom<T>(float3, float3, float, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Capsule cast custom.
CastCollider(in ColliderAspect, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, QueryInteraction)
Cast an aspect against this PhysicsWorld.
CastCollider(in ColliderAspect, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, QueryInteraction)
Cast an aspect against this PhysicsWorld.
CastCollider(in ColliderAspect, float3, float, QueryInteraction)
Cast an aspect against this PhysicsWorld.
Cast collider.
CastCollider(ColliderCastInput, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>)
Cast collider.
CastCollider(ColliderCastInput, out ColliderCastHit)
Cast collider.
CastCollider<T>(in ColliderAspect, float3, float, ref T, QueryInteraction)
Cast an aspect against this PhysicsWorld.
CastCollider<T>(ColliderCastInput, ref T)
Cast collider.
Cast ray.
CastRay(RaycastInput, ref NativeList<RaycastHit>)
Cast ray.
CastRay(RaycastInput, out RaycastHit)
Cast ray.
CastRay<T>(RaycastInput, ref T)
Cast ray.
CheckBox(float3, quaternion, float3, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Check box.
CheckCapsule(float3, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Check capsule.
CheckSphere(float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if a sphere is overlapping with this world.
Clone the world.
Free internal memory.
Gets the zero-based index of the joint.
Gets the zero-based index of the rigid body.
OverlapAabb(OverlapAabbInput, ref NativeList<int>)
Overlap aabb.
OverlapBox(float3, quaternion, float3, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Overlap box.
OverlapBoxCustom<T>(float3, quaternion, float3, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Overlap box custom.
OverlapCapsule(float3, float3, float, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Overlap capsule.
OverlapCapsuleCustom<T>(float3, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Overlap capsule custom.
OverlapSphere(float3, float, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Overlap sphere.
OverlapSphereCustom<T>(float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Overlap sphere custom.
Reset(int, int, int)
Reset the number of bodies and joints in the world.
SphereCast(float3, float, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Sphere cast.
SphereCast(float3, float, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Sphere cast.
SphereCastAll(float3, float, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Sphere cast all.
SphereCastCustom<T>(float3, float, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Sphere cast custom.
NOTE: The BuildPhysicsWorld system updates the Body and Joint Index Maps. If the PhysicsWorld
is being setup and updated directly then this UpdateIndexMaps function should be called
manually as well.