Class VirtualMouseInput
A component that creates a virtual Mouse device and drives its input from gamepad-style inputs. This effectively adds a software mouse cursor.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.InputSystem.UI
[AddComponentMenu("Input/Virtual Mouse")]
public class VirtualMouseInput : MonoBehaviour
This component can be used with UIs that are designed for mouse input, i.e. need to be operated with a cursor. By hooking up the InputActions of this component to gamepad input and directing cursorTransform to the UI transform of the cursor, you can use this component to drive an on-screen cursor.
Note that this component does not actually trigger UI input itself. Instead, it creates a virtual Mouse device which can then be picked up elsewhere (such as by InputSystemUIInputModule) where mouse/pointer input is expected.
Also note that if there is a Mouse added by the platform, it is not impacted by this component. More specifically, the system mouse cursor will not be moved or otherwise used by this component.
Optional button input that determines when forwardButton is pressed on virtualMouse.
public InputActionProperty backButtonAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Input for forwardButton. |
The UI graphic element that represents the mouse cursor.
public Graphic cursorGraphic { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
UnityEngine.UI.Graphic | Graphic element for the software mouse cursor. |
If cursorMode is set to HardwareCursorIfAvailable, this graphic will be disabled.
Also, this UI component implicitly determines the Canvas
that defines the screen area for the cursor.
The canvas that this graphic is on will be looked up using GetComponentInParent
and then the Canvas.pixelRect
of the canvas is used as the bounds for the cursor motion range.
See Also
Determines which cursor representation to use. If this is set to SoftwareCursor (the default), then cursorGraphic and cursorTransform define a software cursor that is made to correspond to the position of virtualMouse. If this is set to HardwareCursorIfAvailable and there is a native Mouse device present, the component will take over that mouse device and disable it (so as for it to not also generate position updates). It will then use WarpCursorPosition(Vector2) to move the system mouse cursor to correspond to the position of the virtualMouse. In this case, cursorGraphic will be disabled and cursorTransform will not be updated.
public VirtualMouseInput.CursorMode cursorMode { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
VirtualMouseInput.CursorMode | Whether the system mouse cursor (if present) should be made to correspond with the virtual mouse position. |
Note that regardless of which mode is used for the cursor, mouse input is expected to be picked up from virtualMouse.
Note that if HardwareCursorIfAvailable is used, the software cursor is still used if no native Mouse device is present.
How many pixels per second the cursor travels in one axis when the respective axis from stickAction is 1.
public float cursorSpeed { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single | Mouse speed in pixels per second. |
Optional transform that will be updated to correspond to the current mouse position.
public RectTransform cursorTransform { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
RectTransform | Transform to update with mouse position. |
This is useful for having a UI object that directly represents the mouse cursor. Simply add both the
component and an Image
component and hook the RectTransform
component for the UI object into here. The object as a whole will then follow the generated mouse cursor
Optional button input that determines when forwardButton is pressed on virtualMouse.
public InputActionProperty forwardButtonAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Input for forwardButton. |
Optional button input that determines when leftButton is pressed on virtualMouse.
public InputActionProperty leftButtonAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Input for leftButton. |
Optional button input that determines when middleButton is pressed on virtualMouse.
public InputActionProperty middleButtonAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Input for middleButton. |
Optional button input that determines when rightButton is pressed on virtualMouse.
public InputActionProperty rightButtonAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Input for rightButton. |
Multiplier for values received from scrollWheelAction.
public float scrollSpeed { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Single | Multiplier for scroll values. |
Optional Vector2 value input that determines the value of scroll on virtualMouse.
public InputActionProperty scrollWheelAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Input for scroll. |
In case you want to only bind vertical scrolling, simply have a Vector2Composite
with only Up
and Down
bound and Left
and Right
deleted or bound to nothing.
The Vector2 stick input that drives the mouse cursor, i.e.
public InputActionProperty stickAction { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
InputActionProperty | Stick input that drives cursor position. |
This should normally be bound to controls such as leftStick and/or rightStick.
The virtual mouse device that the component feeds with input.
public Mouse virtualMouse { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Mouse | Instance of virtual mouse or |
This is only initialized after the component has been enabled for the first time. Note that when subsequently disabling the component, the property will continue to return the mouse device but the device will not be added to the system while the component is not enabled.
protected void OnDisable()
protected void OnEnable()