You can use Cloud Content Delivery (CCD) in the Develop Dashboard to create and maintain buckets, badges and releases. However, you must use the command-line interface (CLI) to upload, delete and sync files and folders before you manage them in the Develop Dashboard.
As an example scenario, you could use the Develop Dashboard to interactively manage an application’s assets using a more visual user interface than the CLI provides.
To access CCD in the Develop Dashboard:
folder (Project tab) More infoIn the Cloud Content Delivery page for your project, you need to create buckets to host your content.
To add a bucket:
In the bucket list view, each bucket has a details row that contains the following information:
You can edit or delete a bucket via the More Items menu (⋮) at the end of a bucket’s row.
To see more information about a bucket, click its name in the list view. In the bucket details screen, there are following tabs:
You can manage the releases you have created for your project on the Releases tab. If your bucket has any unreleased content, you see the Create Release button in your release’s details row.
To create a release:
After you create a release, it appears in the list in the Releases tab, with its creation date and any associated badges. You can assign a badge to a release via the More Items menu (⋮) at the end of a release’s row.
When you click on the Release # of a release in the list, you see a page that contains the release’s details, and a list of assets and bundles associated with that release.
Some situations in your project’s release pipeline might require you to move a release from one bucket to another, which is a process called promotion. If your bucket does not have any unreleased changes, you see the Promote Release button in your release’s details row.
To promote a release:
Attaching a badge to a release allows your application to load content from whichever release the badge is assigned to.
To create a badge:
The badge now appears in the badge list in the Badges tab. You can edit a badge’s associated release, or delete the badge via the More Items menu (⋮) at the end of a badge’s row.