Groom |
Groom File Path |
The path to the groom file for the fur sets. |
Lock groom for animation |
Lock the groom for animation. You cannot edit the groom when it is locked. |
Store Groom Positions in Memory |
Whether to cache the groom positions. |
Groom File Compression Level |
The amount of compression to use for the groom file. Higher compression levels are smaller on disk but take longer to open. |
Animation |
The settings here are only available when the groom is locked. |
Transform Strands |
If this is on, strands transform if the underlying geometry is moved, scaled, or rotated. |
Wrap Strands To Surface |
When enabled, strands stick to the underlying geometry if it deforms. |
Update Files |
Update File Path |
Sets the path for files produced. |
Update File Compression Level |
The amount of compression to use for the animation files. Higher compression levels are smaller on disk but take longer to open. |
Update File Format Version |
Sets the update file version. Don’t change this unless you know what you’re doing. |
Advanced |
Time Source |
Controls where to find the time value for which frame Wig is calculating for. One of:- Timeline: use the Maya timeline
- Plug: use the plug-in selected (update file, WCF file, Bake file, etc)
Fraction of Strands |
The fraction of strands within the file to update. At 1, all strands are updated. At 0.5, only 50% of the strands are updated, etc. |
Write Visible Strands Only |
Forces Wig to discard any disabled or invisible strands. (When you paint density, Wig doesn't remove strands: it just marks them disabled or invisible but still writes them to the .wg file.) |
Growth and Density |
Growth Is Enabled |
Select this to allow new strands to grow in response to any changes to the model. If this is not selected, the furset cannot grow any new strands. |
Seed |
The seed for the hair generation algorithm. Change this to generate new hair with your current settings. |
Jitter |
This adds some noise when generating new hairs, so the strands aren’t all the same length. Set this to the maximum amount that the new hair length can jitter, as a percentage of the length. So if this is set to 0.5, new hairs can vary in length by up to 50% of the set length. |
Neighbors |
New hairs inherit their shape from the hairs around them. This sets how many of the neighboring hairs Wig considers when generating the initial hair shape. |
Preserve Length |
When a strand is reshaped using the shapes of its neighbor strands, this sets whether the strand should keep its original length. |
Master Density |
The master density for your furset. All the other density settings are relative to this amount. The actual hair density at a point on the surface is this value multiplied by the density map (refer to Paint hair attributes as maps). |
Growth Density Scale |
The hair density to show on the groom, relative to the Master Density (that is, at 1.0, this is the same as the master density, at 0.5 it’s 50%, and so on). |
Render Density Scale |
The actual density of the hair in the fur set when PRMan renders it, relative to the Master Density. |
Display Density Scale |
The onscreen display density of the hair in the fur set, relative to the Master Density. This only controls how the fur set displays on screen, not how it renders (which is set in the Render Density Scale). |
Strands |
Width |
The width for each individual hair. |
Tip Scale |
The width at the tip of the hair, relative to the root. |
Tip Scale Offset |
The distance along each hair that it starts changing width (to the scale set in the Tip Scale). For instance, if this is set to 0.5 and Tip Scale is 0.8, then the width stays the same for the bottom 50% of each strand, and then narrows to 80% of the root width at the tip. |
CVs per strand |
The number of vertices on each strand of hair. The more vertices, the smoother the curve of the hair. |
Root Ext. Num Segments |
The number of segments used in the root extensions: which extend the strands below the skin surface. 0 means extensions are disabled. |
Root Ext. Length |
The length of the root extensions: 0 means the extensions are disabled. Currently this value is shared by all strands. |
Root Ext. Min Angle |
By default the root extensions grow in the direction of the follicle tangent. This setting ensures that the angle between the grow direction and the surface normal does not exceed a given value. |
Drawing |
Drawing Enabled |
Draws the hairs themselves. If this off, you do not see the hairs in Maya. If this is off for all fur sets grown from a subdivision surface, Wig does not load the fur for that subd surface. This dramatically speeds up Maya performance. |
Rendering Enabled |
Allows the hairs to render. If this is off, you do not see the hairs in renders. |
Draw Convex Hull |
Draws the hairs using convex hulls. |
Draw Frames |
Draws the framing elements for the hairs: lines showing the X and Y axes at each vertex on the hair. |
Draw Vertices |
Shows the connecting vertices on the hair as dots. |
Draw Sub Divided F1 |
Shows the underlying subdivision surface that the hair grows from. |
Draw Tangents |
Shows the tangent (that is, the direction the segment “points”) at each vertex on the hairs. You can change the scale of the lines shown in the Draw Tangent Scale field. |
Draw Root Extensions |
Shows the root extensions if they are enabled. |
Draw Selection |
Shows highlighting on the selected hairs. |
Draw Tangent Scale |
The length of the tangent lines displayed at the hair vertices. Only used if Draw Tangents is on. |
Display Root Colour |
The color to display the roots of the hair onscreen when in the default render mode. |
Display Tip Colour |
The color to display the tips of the hair onscreen when in the default render mode. |
Is Coloured |
Use this if you are going to be using the color tool. |
Hide Edges Per Strand |
The number of vertices on each strand of hair to hide onscreen. For example, if each strand has 20 vertices and this is set to 10, you only see half the length of the hair onscreen. |
Display Property |
Which property of the hairs is displayed:- StrandColour: Wig shows the hairs with their assigned colors.
- IsSeparated: Wig colors the hairs to display whether the hairs are separated or not.
- CanDeform: Wig colors the hairs according to whether they can deform or not.
- StrandIndex: Wig colors the hairs according to their index values (from dark green at 0 to bright green at max value). This is useful as a way of visualizing how distributed the strands are over the surface, especially on grooms imported from other studios (where hairs may be distributed differently).
- DensityScale: Wig shows the hairs colored according to their density scale.
- Flexibility: Wig colors the hairs according to their flexibility.
- RootSubDTextureUv
- Wetness: Wig shows the hairs colored according to their current wetness values.
- WidthScale: Wig shows the hairs colored according to their width scale.
Strand Filter |
If the Display Property is set to index filter, this is the number of the strand to display. If this is set to -1, it’s ignored. |
Show Strands in Maya/Render |
If this is on, Wig shows the hair strands within the Maya or Render UI. |
Shading |
Surface |
Surface Shading Enabled |
Turn this on to view the surface shading. |
Colour |
The surface color for the growth surface. |
Backface Colour |
The color for the back of the growth surface. |
Shadow Weight |
How strong the shadows on the surface are. |
Fur |
Refer to Setting onscreen render properties within Wig for details on using the settings in this section. |
Fur Shading Enabled |
Turns on the fur color rendering. |
Enable Multisample Anti-aliasing |
Turns on the anti-aliasing for the onscreen hair render. Anti-aliasing gives a better result but can slow down the onscreen render. |
Disable MSAA for Rotate/Pan/Zoom |
Turns anti-aliasing off when moving the view. If this setting is off, Wig calculates the anti-aliasing constantly as you move the view. |
Enable Width Preview |
Turns on the width preview. If this is off, Wig shows hairs as being a single pixel wide, and does not change this with different zoom levels. If this is on, Wig shows the hair at the appropriate size in world space. When you’re zoomed right in, the hairs look thicker; when zoomed right out, some hairs become thinner than a pixel and thus aren’t displayed. |
Disable Width for Rotate/Pan/Zoom |
Turns off the width preview when moving the view. Turn this off to speed Wig up when moving the view. |
Enable Tip Scale Preview |
Turns on the tip scale preview. If this is off, Wig shows hairs as staying the same width all along the length of the strand. If this is on, Wig shows the effects of the hair tip scaling (as set in Tip Scale, above). |
Disable Tip Scale for Rotate/Pan/Zoom |
Turns off the tip scaling when moving the view. Turn this off to speed Wig up when moving the view. |
Colouration |
Color Source |
How to calculate the hair color. Either Melanin (hair color is based on the amount and type of melanin in the hair) or Absorption (hair color is based on the color and amount of light it absorbs). Use Melanin unless you have a good reason. |
Melanin Mix |
The ratio of eumelanin (browner) to pheomelanin (redder) in the hair. For example, at 0.8, 80% of the melanin in the hair is eumelanin. |
Melanin Density |
The amount of melanin in the hair. |
Absorption Coefficient |
When the color is coming from absorption, this sets the color the hair absorbs. The hair appears to be the chromatic opposite of the selected color, as it absorbs the light of that color. For example, if you set the absorption color to bright red, the hair appears blue. |
Medulla Ratio |
The size of the medulla (hollow space at the core of the hair) for the hairs. Higher ratios make the hair lighter and affect how light moves through the hair. |
Specular |
Longitudinal Shift |
Alpha R |
Sets the amount that the hair’s surface refracts light. This affects how much the reflected light (R) diverges from the transmitted/reflected/transmitted light (TRT), as the TRT light gets twice the amount of additional refraction. At 0 (a smooth surface) the two kinds of light are basically on top of each other. As the value gets lower, they move apart. |
Longitudinal Width |
Sets how much the surface roughness on the hair causes each type of light to spread out (diffuse). |
Beta R |
How much the R (reflected) light diffuses from the surface. Lower values give tighter highlights, higher values are more diffuse. |
Beta TT |
How much the TT (transmitted-transmitted) light diffuses from the surface. Lower values give tighter highlights, higher values are more diffuse. |
Beta TRT |
How much the TRT (transmitted-reflected-transmitted) light diffuses from the surface. Lower values give tighter highlights, higher values are more diffuse. |
Advanced |
Use OSM Bilinear |
Renders using a bilinear calculations. This gives you slightly better shading, and doesn’t make much difference to the render calculations. |
Disable OSM Bilinear for Rotate/Pan/Zoom |
Turns off OSM bilinear when moving the view. Use this to use OSM bilinear while being sure it’s not impacting on your render performance. |
Use Spherical Gaussian |
Use a spherical gaussian calculation when rendering. If this is on, you get a result much closer to the final PRMan render, but it takes longer to render. Turning this off makes Wig render the scene much faster onscreen. |
Fragment Output |
What data to use when rendering the hair. Colour renders the hair color, NumHairs shows the number of hairs occluding each other, DirectFraction shows the ratio of direct to indirect light affecting the hair (direct light shown as white amount in the display). |
Device Type |
Sets where on your PC Wig does the render. Wig is optimized to work on a GPU. |
Direct |
use R |
Display the R (reflected) direct light. |
use TT |
Display the TT (transmitted-transmitted) direct light. |
use TRT |
Display the TRT (transmitted-reflected-transmitted) direct light. |
use FBack |
Display the FBack direct light. |
db |
The amount of FBack light to apply. This adds most of the color to the hair. |
Indirect |
use R |
Display the R (reflected) indirect light. |
use TT |
Display the TT (transmitted-transmitted) indirect light. |
use TRT |
Display the TRT (transmitted-reflected-transmitted) indirect light. |
use FBack |
Display the FBack indirect light. |
db |
The amount of FBack light to apply. This adds most of the color to the hair. |
Arnold |
Shader |
The shader to use for Arnold rendering. |
Matte |
When enabled, render with no reflection; that is, a matte surface. |
Opaque |
When enabled, render without transparency. |
Self Shadows |
When enabled, respond to self-shadowing. |
Rendering |
UV Set Name |
Sets the name for the UV set for the underlying surface. |
Curve Interpolation |
The interpolation algorithm to use for curves. Either cubic or linear. |
Ribbons |
Turn this on to be able to render hair as ribbons. |
Min Groom Hair Length |
Sets the minimum length for hairs to render. Any hairs shorter than this are not rendered. |
Optimizations |
CV Reduction |
CV Step |
Use this to reduce the CVs per strand at render time. At 1, Wig uses every CV when rendering. At 2, it uses every second CV (halving the number of CVs); at 3, it uses every third CV, and so on. |
Fuzz |
Fuzz On |
Turns on the Fuzz Optimization render mode. This discards any strands on the main part of the model, only displaying the strands around the silhouette. This is for grooms intended to add ‘fuzz’ texture to objects, where the visible edges are the most important. |
Fuzz Profile |
The falloff for the fuzz. Higher values show more strands near the silhouette, lower values show less (sharper falloff). |
Level of Detail |
Lod On |
Turns on the Level of Detail rendering mode (aka stochastic pruning). If this is on, the further away an object is, the fewer hairs are rendered. Turn this on to speed renders up. |
Lod Threshold Area |
The number of onscreen pixels below which Level of Detail pruning occurs. If the area of hair is smaller than this onscreen, pruning occurs during render. |
Lod Aggressiveness |
How quickly to prune the hairs as the distance from camera increases. Lower values make the pruning ease in slower. |
Lod Conservation |
The absolute minimum proportion of hairs to render, no matter how far from the camera the furset is. |
Lod Max Scaling |
The maximum amount LOD can scale the hair down. |
Lod Max Transition |
The maximum extent that the LOD scaling can apply. |
Super-Fibre |
Super Fibre On |
Super Fibre is an effect to make each strand look like multiple strands of hair. Use this to mimic the effect of a denser fur set. |
Super Fibre Width Scale |
How many strands each individual strand should appear as. For example, if this is set to 7, each strand has the appearance of being seven strands. |
Peripheral Reduction |
Peripheral Reduction Mode |
How wig should handle strands that are out of the viewing frustum. One of:- Off: strands out of view are handled normally.
- Cull - remove the strands that are out of the viewing frustum.
- Superfibre: convert strands out of the viewing frustum to super-fibre.
Peripheral Reduction CVStep |
When using peripheral reduction, this sets the step factor for the CV reduction. For instance, if this is set to 3, Wig uses every third CV and ignores the two in between. |
Peripheral Reduction Margin |
The shortest strand length that peripheral reduction can apply to. |
Back-face Reduction |
Back Face Reduction Mode |
How Wig should handle strands that are on back faces (that is, areas on the model that face away from the camera). One of:- Off: strands on back faces are handled normally.
- Cull - remove the strands on back faces.
- Superfibre: convert strands on back faces to super-fibre.
Back Face Reduction CVStep |
When using back face reduction, this sets the step factor for the CV reduction. For example, if this is set to 3, Wig uses every third CV and ignores the two in between. |
Back Face Reduction Angle |
The angle away from the camera that is considered to be a “back face”. The default is 45, so any surface more than 45 degrees from the camera is a back face. |
Primvars |
Select all the primvars to generate when rendering. |
Ancestor Groom File Path |
Path to an alternate groom file, where Wig can get data for these primvars:
uniform color __Cref
uniform color __CrefBase
uniform float groomHairLength
uniform float worldToTextureSpaceFaceAreaRatio
vertex float localDensity
vertex vector localDensityGradient |
Stats |
Full Stats On |
Turn this on to record Wig statistics. |
Hacks |
Render with Recycled UVs |
When rendering, map any strands created since the last calcSH pass to existing strands. This prevents black lines appearing in the render when you are reusing a calcSH pass. This is a short-term solution intended for lookdev. |
Root CV Offset Scale |
When rendering, moves the root CV of the hairs out along the surface normal by the scale set. Use this to move the hairs out from under the surface. |
Skip First Edge |
When rendering, skip the first edge encountered for each hair. |
Retraction |
This function retracts the hairs into the skin. At 0, the strands have their full length; at 1, they have entirely retracted into the skin. We have used this previously to animate hair “growing” out of the skin. |
Bounding Box Expansion |
This enlarges the bounding box for the fur. Use this if the bounding box ends up too small to contain all the hair geometry. For example, if renders seem to suddenly get cut off at the edge of the (too small) bounding box. |
Advanced |
Ignore Time |
Turn this on to make Wig ignore the timeline. |
Shape Resizing Scale |
Scale factor to apply when resizing strands. |
Width Resizing Scale |
Scale factor to apply when resizing strand width. |
Flow |
Flow from Strand Blur |
If this is on, Wig creates a flow map from the hair movement. This has been used to create shaders that mimic the effects of a horse’s mane without actually having to draw all the hairs. |
Collision |
Intersectors |
Cache Mode |
- Live Intersect Only - Wig only applies the intersections from the current frame. When you move to the next frame, the intersections reset (all hairs return to their original length).
- Live Intersect and Collect Cache: Wig collects and caches the intersections from the current frame.
- Apply Cache Only: Wig ignores the intersectors in the current frame and only applies the cached intersection data.
- Live Intersect and Apply Cache: Wig applies the cached intersection data and also calculates intersections for the current frame.
Min Strand Length |
The minimum length that the strand can be set to by an intersection. |
Max Strand Length |
The maximum length that the strand can be set to by an intersection. |
Strand Deform State |
Set which strands can be affected by the intersector. One of Any (all strands can be affected), Only Deforming, or Only Not Deforming. |
Strand Reroot State |
Set which strands can be affected by the intersector. One of Any, Only Re-rooting, Only Not Re-rooting. |
Cut |
Set this to allow the strands to be cut by the intersection. |