Save your groom
Wig saves the groom in a separate file. This file is in the .wg (Wig Groom) format.
Occasionally, Unity may need to change the format of the .wg file. If required, you can save your groom in a previous format version.
Setting the groom file save properties
In the wmWigFurNode, under Groom, set the following attributes:
Groom File Path: the location and filename for the groom file. This defaults to the same directory as the Maya scene, with the same name as the scene but the extension .wg.
Groom File Format Version: this sets the version of the groom file. Use this if you need to save a groom for use in a previous version of Wig.
Warning: Always leave this as most current unless you know exactly what you're doing.
If you need to set the format version so you can use your groom with a previous version of Wig, you can find out the file version you need by checking the value for this field on a wmWigFurNode created with that version.
If you set the format version, make sure to set the Update File Format Version on the wmWigFurNode to the corresponding update file version.