Explore photogrammetry options for your model.
Topic | Description |
Photogrammetry in SpeedTree | Learn about photogrammetry tools and generators. |
Create textures from photogrammetry scans | Create textures with the Mesh converter. |
Convert photogrammetry scans to procedural geometry | Convert a trunk with the Mesh converter. |
Highlight features of branch geometry | Add feature vertices to branch geometry. |
Texel density solutions | Learn about the best practices for evening out texel density. |
Extend a scanned trunk with a bake stitch | Import a photogrammetry mesh and blend it to a SpeedTree branch. This is the recommended workflow for extending scanned trunks. |
Extend a scanned trunk with texture blending | Extend a scanned trunk using texture blending. |
Extend a scanned trunk with vertex blending | Extend a scanned trunk using vertex blending. |
Prepare a branch or twig mesh | Add 3D anchors to a branch or twig mesh to prepare it for use in SpeedTree. |
Use a branch or twig mesh | Learn different ways to use a prepared branch or twig mesh on a model. |
Placing nodes on meshes | Precisely locate a branch or leaf off of a photogrammetry mesh. |