Class RayTracingSettings
A volume component that holds the general settings for ray traced effects.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
[VolumeComponentMenu("Ray Tracing/Ray Tracing Settings")]
public sealed class RayTracingSettings : VolumeComponent, IApplyRevertPropertyContextMenuItemProvider
Name | Description |
Ray |
Default constructor for the ray tracing settings volume component. |
Name | Description |
build |
Controls how the ray tracing acceleration structure is build. |
culling |
Specifies the radius of the sphere used to cull objects out of the ray tracing acceleration structure when the culling mode is set to Sphere. |
culling |
Controls how the maximum distance for the ray tracing culling is defined. |
directional |
Controls the fallback directional shadow value that is used when the point to shade is outside of the cascade. |
directional |
Controls the maximal ray length for ray traced shadows. |
distant |
Controls the Ray Bias value used when the distance between the pixel and the camera is close to the far plane. Between the near and far plane the Ray Bias and Distant Ray Bias are interpolated linearly. This does not affect Path Tracing or Recursive Rendering. This value can be increased to mitigate Ray Tracing z-fighting issues at a distance. |
extend |
Enables the override of the camera culling. This increases the validity area of animated skinned mesh that are outside of the frustum.. |
extend |
When enabled, the culling region for punctual and area lights shadow maps is increased from frustum culling to extended culling. For Directional lights, cascades are not extended, but additional objects may appear in the cascades. |
ray |
Controls the bias for all real-time ray tracing effects. |