Event OnSceneEvent
Subscribe to this event to receive all Scene
For more details review over Scene
Alternate Single Event Type Notification Registration Options
To receive only a specific event type notification or a limited set of notifications you can alternately subscribe to
each notification type individually via the following events:
- On
Load Invoked only when a Load event is being processed - On
Unload Invoked only when an Unload event is being processed - On
Synchronize Invoked only when a Synchronize event is being processed - On
Load Invoked only when a LoadEvent Completed Event event is being processedCompleted - On
Unload Invoked only when an UnloadEvent Completed Event event is being processedCompleted - On
Load Invoked only when a LoadComplete Complete event is being processed - On
Unload Invoked only when an UnloadComplete Complete event is being processed - On
Synchronize Invoked only when a SynchronizeComplete Complete event is being processed
Namespace: Unity.Netcode
Assembly: solution.dll
public event NetworkSceneManager.SceneEventDelegate OnSceneEvent
Type | Description |
Network |