This documentation describes the most common ways to interact with the Localization System via C# scripts, further examples can be found in the Scripting API documentation.
You can download additional scripting examples from the package manager window, in the Localization package’s Samples section.
A Localized
You can use the Localized
The Localized
public class LocalizedStringWithEvents : MonoBehaviour
public LocalizedString myString;
string localizedText;
/// <summary>
/// Register a ChangeHandler. This is called whenever the string needs to be updated.
/// </summary>
void OnEnable()
myString.StringChanged += UpdateString;
void OnDisable()
myString.StringChanged -= UpdateString;
void UpdateString(string s)
localizedText = s;
void OnGUI()
Dynamic Strings
Sometimes you might need to update a localized string, such as when using Smart Strings or String.Format with arguments that have since changed. Calling GetLocalizedString
with the arguments always updates the string. When you use the StringChanged
event, you can use the RefreshString
function to request an update, and the Arguments
property to configure the arguments that format the string.
/// <summary>
/// This example expects a Smart String with a named placeholder of `TimeNow`, such as "The time now is {TimeNow}".
/// </summary>
public class LocalizedStringSmart : MonoBehaviour
public LocalizedString myString;
string localizedText;
public float TimeNow => Time.time;
/// <summary>
/// Register a ChangeHandler. This is called whenever we need to update our string.
/// </summary>
void OnEnable()
myString.Arguments = new[] { this };
myString.StringChanged += UpdateString;
void OnDisable()
myString.StringChanged -= UpdateString;
void UpdateString(string s)
localizedText = s;
void OnGUI()
// This calls UpdateString immediately (if the table is loaded) or when the table is available.
You can use the Localized
The Localized
To use a LocalizedSerializable
For example, to support localizing font assets, you could define the following class:
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization;
public class LocalizedFont : LocalizedAsset<Font> {}
public class LocalizedFontExample : MonoBehaviour
// Can be setup in the inspector
public LocalizedFont myFont;
public void OnEnable()
myFont.AssetChanged += FontChanged;
public void OnDisable()
myFont.AssetChanged -= FontChanged;
void FontChanged(Font font)
// Do something with the font
In this example, you can now add LocalizedFont
to a script(LocalizedFontExample), and Localized
The following Unity assets are already supported:
Use the Table
Use the Table
Using AsyncOperationHandle
Unity does not hold all localized assets in memory ready for use. Instead, it loads them on demand when it needs them, and unloads them when it no longer needs them. Because of this, localized Assets might not be immediately available, and Unity might need to load them from disk or fetch them from a server. To facilitate this, Unity uses the AsyncOperationHandle as an interface to all requests.
When an Asset is not immediately available, the localization system returns an AsyncOperationHandle
. When the operation has finished, the AsyncOperationHandle
provides a Completed
event to notify Unity. It calls this during LateUpdate
. If the request has already completed (for example, when the requested data is already loaded from a previous request, or during preloading), you can check the IsDone
property for immediate access via the Result
property. Alternatively, the Completed
event still occurs in LateUpdate
, allowing for all code to follow the same path. You can also yield on an AsyncOperationHandle
inside a coroutine.
To force an operation to complete on the main thread, call WaitForCompletion. See Synchronous Workflow for further details.
Make a basic Locale selection menu
This example demonstrates how to create a way for the person playing a game to select the language (defined in the Localization system by Locale) they want to use in the game. To add a UI dropdown menu to the Scene, go to GameObject > UI > Dropdown, and attach the following script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LocaleDropdown : MonoBehaviour
public Dropdown dropdown;
IEnumerator Start()
// Wait for the localization system to initialize
yield return LocalizationSettings.InitializationOperation;
// Generate list of available Locales
var options = new List<Dropdown.OptionData>();
int selected = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales.Count; ++i)
var locale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales[i];
if (LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale == locale)
selected = i;
options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData(;
dropdown.options = options;
dropdown.value = selected;
static void LocaleSelected(int index)
LocalizationSettings.SelectedLocale = LocalizationSettings.AvailableLocales.Locales[index];
You can see a more advanced version of this script in the Localization package samples.
Custom Table loading
This example demonstrates how the ITable
public class CustomTableProvider : ITableProvider
public string customTableCollectionName = "My Custom Table";
public AsyncOperationHandle<TTable> ProvideTableAsync<TTable>(string tableCollectionName, Locale locale) where TTable : LocalizationTable
Debug.Log($"Requested {locale.LocaleName} {typeof(TTable).Name} with the name `{tableCollectionName}`.");
// Provide a custom string table only with the name "My Custom Table".
if (typeof(TTable) == typeof(StringTable) && tableCollectionName == customTableCollectionName)
// Create the table and its shared table data.
var table = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<StringTable>();
table.SharedData = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SharedTableData>();
table.SharedData.TableCollectionName = customTableCollectionName;
table.LocaleIdentifier = locale.Identifier;
// Add some values
table.AddEntry("My Entry 1", "My localized value 1");
table.AddEntry("My Entry 2", "My localized value 2");
return Addressables.ResourceManager.CreateCompletedOperation(table as TTable, null);
// Fallback to default table loading.
return default;
The CustomTableProvider
can be applied to handle String Tables or Asset Tables:
public static class AssignCustomTableProviderExample
[MenuItem("Localization Samples/Assign Custom table provider")]
public static void AssignTableProvider()
// Create an instance of the table provider.
var provider = new CustomTableProvider();
// A provider can be assigned to each database or the same provider can be shared between both.
var settings = LocalizationEditorSettings.ActiveLocalizationSettings;
settings.GetStringDatabase().TableProvider = provider;
settings.GetAssetDatabase().TableProvider = provider;
// Set dirty so the changes are saved.
Applying changes to a table after the game is built
This example demonstrates how the ITable
public class CustomTablePatcher : ITablePostprocessor
public void PostprocessTable(LocalizationTable table)
Debug.Log($"Postprocess {table}");
if (table is StringTable stringTable)
// Add a new value
stringTable.AddEntry("some new entry", "localized value");
// Update an old value
var entry = stringTable.GetEntry("some existing value");
if (entry != null)
entry.Value = "updated localized value";
else if (table is AssetTable assetTable)
// Add a new value
var entry = assetTable.AddEntry("my texture asset", null);
// Override an existing value
var overrideEntry = assetTable.GetEntry("existing entry");
if (overrideEntry != null)
var texture = new Texture2D(10, 10);
The CustomTablePatcher
can be applied to handle String Tables or Asset Tables:
public static class AssignCustomTablePatcherExample
[MenuItem("Localization Samples/Assign Custom table postprocessor")]
public static void AssignTablePostprocessor()
// Create an instance of the table provider.
var provider = new CustomTablePatcher();
// A table postprocessor can be assigned to each database or the same can be shared between both.
var settings = LocalizationEditorSettings.ActiveLocalizationSettings;
settings.GetStringDatabase().TablePostprocessor = provider;
settings.GetAssetDatabase().TablePostprocessor = provider;
// Set dirty so the changes are saved.
Use the Editor scripting class Localization
The following example shows how to update a collection by adding support for a new Locale.
// Create the new Locale
var locale = Locale.CreateLocale(SystemLanguage.Spanish);
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(locale, "Assets/Spanish.asset");
// Get the collection
var collection = LocalizationEditorSettings.GetStringTableCollection("My String Table");
// Add a new table
var newTable = collection.AddNewTable(locale.Identifier) as StringTable;
// Add a new entry to the table
var entry = newTable.AddEntry("Hello", "Hola");
// Add some metadata
entry.AddMetadata(new Comment { CommentText = "This is a comment" });
// We need to mark the table and shared table data entry as we have made changes