Struct TableReference
It is possible to reference a table via either the table collection name or the table collection name guid. The TableReference provides a flexible way to reference via either of these methods and also includes editor functionality.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Localization.Tables
Assembly: Unity.Localization.dll
public struct TableReference : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
ReferenceType | The type of reference. |
TableCollectionName | The table collection name when ReferenceType is Name. If the ReferenceType is not Name then an attempt will be made to extract the Table Collection Name, for debugging purposes, through the AssetDatabase(in Editor) or by checking the LocalizationSettings to see if the SharedTableData has been loaded by the LocalizedStringDatabase or LocalizedAssetDatabase, if the name can not be resolved then null will be returned. |
TableCollectionNameGuid | The table collection name guid when ReferenceType is Guid. |
Name | Description |
Equals(object) | Compare the TableReference to another TableReference. |
Equals(TableReference) | Compare 2 TableReferences. |
GetHashCode() | Returns the hash code of TableCollectionNameGuid or TableCollectionName. |
Name | Description |
implicit operator TableReference(Guid) | Convert a table collection name guid into a TableReference. |
implicit operator TableReference(string) | Convert a table collection name into a TableReference. |
implicit operator Guid(TableReference) | Returns TableCollectionNameGuid. |
implicit operator string(TableReference) | Returns TableCollectionName. |