Class CinemachineFreeLook
This is a deprecated component. Use CinemachineCamera instead.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: solution.dll
[Obsolete("This is deprecated. Use Create -> Cinemachine -> FreeLook camera, or create a CinemachineCamera with appropriate components")]
public class CinemachineFreeLook : CinemachineVirtualCameraBase, AxisState.IRequiresInput, ICinemachineMixer, ICinemachineCamera
Name | Description |
Blend |
Hint for transitioning to and from this CinemachineCamera. Hints can be combined, although not all combinations make sense. In the case of conflicting hints, Cinemachine will make an arbitrary choice. |
Create |
Override component pipeline creation. This needs to be done by the editor to support Undo. The override must do exactly the same thing as the CreatePipeline method in this class. |
Destroy |
Override component pipeline destruction. This needs to be done by the editor to support Undo. |
m_Binding |
The coordinate space to use when interpreting the offset from the target |
m_Common |
If enabled, this lens setting will apply to all three child rigs, otherwise the child rig lens settings will be used |
m_Follow | Object for the camera children wants to move with (the body target) |
m_Heading | The definition of Forward. Camera will follow behind |
m_Lens | Specifies the lens properties of this Virtual Camera. This generally mirrors the Unity Camera's lens settings, and will be used to drive the Unity camera when the vcam is active |
m_Look |
Object for the camera children to look at (the aim target) |
m_On |
This event fires when a transition occurs. |
m_Orbits | The radius and height of the three orbiting rigs |
m_Recenter |
Controls how automatic recentering of the X axis is accomplished |
m_Spline |
m_XAxis | The Horizontal axis. Value is -180...180. This is passed on to the rigs' OrbitalTransposer component |
m_YAxis | The Vertical axis. Value is 0..1. Chooses how to blend the child rigs |
m_YAxis |
Controls how automatic recentering of the Y axis is accomplished |
Name | Description |
Follow | Get the current Follow target. Returns parent's Follow if parent is non-null and no specific Follow defined for this camera |
Is |
Helper for upgrading from CM2 |
Look |
Get the current LookAt target. Returns parent's LookAt if parent is non-null and no specific LookAt defined for this camera |
Previous |
Set this to force the next update to ignore deltaTime and reset itself |
Rig |
Names of the 3 child rigs |
State | The cacmera state, which will be a blend of the child rig states |
Name | Description |
Force |
Force the virtual camera to assume a given position and orientation. |
Get |
Returns the local position of the camera along the spline used to connect the three camera rigs. Does not take into account the current heading of the camera (or its target) |
Get |
Get a child rig |
Internal |
Internal use only. Called by CinemachineCore at designated update time so the vcam can position itself and track its targets. All 3 child rigs are updated, and a blend calculated, depending on the value of the Y axis. |
Is |
Check whether the vcam a live child of this camera. Returns true if the child is currently contributing actively to the camera state. |
On |
Makes sure that the child rigs get destroyed in an undo-firndly manner. Invalidates the rig cache. |
On |
Updates the child rig cache |
On |
This is called to notify the vcam that a target got warped, so that the vcam can update its internal state to make the camera also warp seamlessly. |
On |
If we are transitioning from another FreeLook, grab the axis values from it. |
Perform |
Override this to handle any upgrades necessitated by a streaming version change. Note that since this method is not called from the main thread, there are many things it cannot do, including checking a unity object for null. |