The Text Mesh generates 3D geometry that displays text strings.
You can create a new Text Mesh from Component > Mesh > Text Mesh.
Property: | Function: |
Text | The text that will be rendered |
Offset Z | How far should the text be offset from the transform.position.z when drawing |
Character Size | The size of each character (This scales the whole text.) |
Line Spacing | How much space will be in-between lines of text. |
Anchor | Which point of the text shares the position of the Transform. |
Alignment | How lines of text are aligned (Left, Right, Center). |
Tab Size | How much space will be inserted for a tab ‘\t’ character. This is a multiplum of the ‘spacebar’ character offset. |
Font Size | The size of the font. This can override the size of a dynamic font. |
Font Style | The rendering style of the font. The font needs to be marked as dynamic. |
Rich Text | When selected this will enable tag processing when the text is rendered. |
Font | The TrueType Font to use when rendering the text. |
Color | The global color to use when rendering the text. |
Text Meshes can be used for rendering road signs, graffiti etc. The Text Mesh places text in the 3D scene. To make generic 2D text for GUIs, use a GUI Text component instead.
Follow these steps to create a Text Mesh with a custom Font:
Note: If you want to change the font for a Text Mesh, need to set the component’s font property and also set the texture of the font material to the correct font texture. This texture can be located using the font asset’s foldout. If you forget to set the texture then the text in the mesh will appear blocky and misaligned.
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