
function SamplePathPosition (passableMask : int, maxDistance : float, out hit : NavMeshHit) : boolean


passableMask A mask specifying which NavMesh layers can be passed when tracing the path.
maxDistance Terminate scanning the path at this distance.
hit Holds the properties of the resulting location.


boolean - True If terminated before reaching position at maxDistance. Otherwise returns false.


Sample a position along the current path.

This function looks ahead a specified distance along the current path. Details of the mesh at that position are then returned in a NavMeshHit object. This could be used, for example, to check the type of surface that lies ahead before the character gets there - a character could raise his gun above his head if he is about to wade through water, say.

    var target: Transform;
var mesh: NavMesh;
private var agent: NavMeshAgent;
private var waterLayer: int;
function Start () {
agent = GetComponent.<NavMeshAgent>();
waterLayer = mesh.GetNavMeshLayerFromName("Water");
function Update() {
var hit: NavMeshHit;

// Check all layers one unit ahead.
if (!agent.SamplePathPosition(-1, 1.0, hit)) {
if (hit.mask & waterLayer) {
// Water detected along the path...