A tiny floating point value (Read Only).
The smallest value that a float can have different from zero.
With the following rules:
- anyValue + Epsilon = anyValue
- anyValue - Epsilon = anyValue
- 0 + Epsilon = Epsilon
- 0 - Epsilon = -Epsilon
A value Between any number and Epsilon will result in an arbitrary number due to truncating errors.
See Also: Mathf.Approximately.
// Compares two floating point numbers and return true if they are the same number.
// See also Mathf.Approximately, which compares floating point numbers so you dont have
// to create a function to compare them.
function isEqual(a: float, b : float) {
if(a >= b-Mathf.Epsilon && a <= b + Mathf.Epsilon)
return true;
return false;
With the following rules:
- anyValue + Epsilon = anyValue
- anyValue - Epsilon = anyValue
- 0 + Epsilon = Epsilon
- 0 - Epsilon = -Epsilon
A value Between any number and Epsilon will result in an arbitrary number due to truncating errors.
See Also: Mathf.Approximately.
// Compares two floating point numbers and return true if they are the same number.
// See also Mathf.Approximately, which compares floating point numbers so you dont have
// to create a function to compare them.
function isEqual(a: float, b : float) {
if(a >= b-Mathf.Epsilon && a <= b + Mathf.Epsilon)
return true;
return false;