The closest point to the bounding box of the attached colliders.
This can be used to calculate hit points when applying explosion damage. Or calculating explosion forces that act on a point on the surface of the rigidbody
var hitPoints : float = 10.0;
function ApplyHitPoints (explosionPos : Vector3, radius : float) {
// The distance from the explosion position to the surface of the rigidbody
var closestPoint : Vector3 = rigidbody.ClosestPointOnBounds(explosionPos);
var distance : float = Vector3.Distance(closestPoint, explosionPos);
// The hit points we apply fall decrease with distance from the hit point
var damage : float = 1.0 - Mathf.Clamp01(distance / radius);
// This is the final hitpoints we want to apply. 10 at maximum.
damage *= 10;
// Apply the damage
hitPoints -= damage;