static function MinMaxSlider(label: GUIContent, position: Rect, minValue: float, maxValue: float, minLimit: float, maxLimit: float): void;
static void MinMaxSlider(GUIContent label, Rect position, float minValue, float maxValue, float minLimit, float maxLimit);
static def MinMaxSlider(label as GUIContent, position as Rect, minValue as float, maxValue as float, minLimit as float, maxLimit as float) as void
static function MinMaxSlider(position: Rect, minValue: float, maxValue: float, minLimit: float, maxLimit: float): void;
static void MinMaxSlider(Rect position, float minValue, float maxValue, float minLimit, float maxLimit);
static def MinMaxSlider(position as Rect, minValue as float, maxValue as float, minLimit as float, maxLimit as float) as void

label Optional label in front of the slider.
position Rectangle on the screen to use for the slider.
value The value the slider shows. This determines the position of the draggable thumb.
minValue The lower value of the range the slider shows, passed by reference.
maxValue The upper value at the range the slider shows, passed by reference.
minLimit The limit at the left end of the slider.
maxLimit The limit at the right end of the slider.

Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max.

MinMax Slider in an Editor Window.
	// Place the selected object randomly between the interval of the Min Max Slider
	// in the X,Y,Z coords
	class EditorGUIMinMaxSlider extends EditorWindow {
		var minVal : float = -10;
		var minLimit : float = -20;
		var maxVal : float = 10;
		var maxLimit : float = 20;
		@MenuItem("Examples/Editor GUI Move Object Randomly")
		static function Init() {
			var window = GetWindow(EditorGUIMinMaxSlider);
		function OnGUI() {
				GUIContent("Random range:"), 
				minVal, maxVal,
				minLimit, maxLimit);
			if(GUI.Button(Rect(0,25,position.width, position.height -25),"Randomize!"))
		function PlaceRandomly() {
				Selection.activeTransform.position = 
					Vector3(Random.Range(minVal, maxVal),
							Random.Range(minVal, maxVal),
							Random.Range(minVal, maxVal));
				Debug.LogError("Select a GameObject to randomize its position.");