EditorStylesNamespace: UnityEditor

Common GUIStyles used for EditorGUI controls. These are set up by calling EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector and EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls.

Use these styles to make GUI that looks native to Unity.
Static Variables
boldFont Bold font.
boldLabel Style for bold label.
colorField Style used for headings for Color fields.
foldout Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Foldout.
foldoutPreDrop Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Foldout.
inspectorDefaultMargins Wrap content in a vertical group with this style to get the default margins used in the Inspector.
inspectorFullWidthMargins Wrap content in a vertical group with this style to get full width margins in the Inspector.
label Style used for the labelled on all EditorGUI overloads that take a prefix label.
largeLabel Style for label with large font.
layerMaskField Style used for headings for Layer masks.
miniBoldFont Mini Bold font.
miniBoldLabel Style for mini bold label.
miniButton Style used for a standalone small button.
miniButtonLeft Style used for the leftmost button in a horizontal button group.
miniButtonMid Style used for the middle buttons in a horizontal group.
miniButtonRight Style used for the rightmost button in a horizontal group.
miniFont Mini font.
miniLabel Style for label with small font.
miniTextField Smaller text field.
numberField Style used for field editors for numbers.
objectField Style used for headings for object fields.
objectFieldThumb Style used for headings for the Select button in object fields.
popup Style used for EditorGUI.Popup, EditorGUI.EnumPopup,.
radioButton Style used for a radio button.
standardFont Standard font.
textField Style used for EditorGUI.TextField.
toggle Style used for headings for EditorGUI.Toggle.
toggleGroup Style used for headings for EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup.
toolbar Toolbar background from top of windows.
toolbarButton Style for Button and Toggles in toolbars.
toolbarDropDown Toolbar Dropdown.
toolbarPopup Toolbar Popup.
toolbarTextField Toolbar text field.
whiteBoldLabel Style for white bold label.
whiteLabel Style for white label.
whiteLargeLabel Style for white large label.
whiteMiniLabel Style for white mini label.
wordWrappedLabel Style for word wrapped label.
wordWrappedMiniLabel Style for word wrapped mini label.