この ProceduralMaterial が持っているすべての ProceduralProperties の記述の配列を取得します。
そのプロパティーを事前に知らなくても ProceduralMaterial のプロパティーを編集するために使用することで汎用的な GUI の構築に使用できます。
var scrolling : Vector2; var rend: Renderer;
function Start() { rend = GetComponent.<Renderer>(); }
function OnGUI () { if (rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial) { // Show substance properties inside window var windowRect = new Rect (Screen.width-250, 30, 220, Screen.height-60); GUI.Window (0, windowRect, ProceduralPropertiesGUI, "Procedural Properties"); } }
function ProceduralPropertiesGUI (windowId : int) { scrolling = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrolling); var substance = rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial; // Get a list of all the Procedural properties var inputs = substance.GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions (); // Iterate through all the properties for (var i : int = 0; i < inputs.Length; i++) { var input = inputs[i]; // Handle the different types of properties var type = input.type; // Show a boolean as a toggle if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Boolean) { var inputBool = substance.GetProceduralBoolean (input.name); var oldInputBool = inputBool; inputBool = GUILayout.Toggle (inputBool, input.name); if (inputBool != oldInputBool) substance.SetProceduralBoolean (input.name, inputBool); } // Show a float as a slider else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Float) { // Only show GUI for numbers with a defined range if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label (input.name); var inputFloat = substance.GetProceduralFloat (input.name); var oldInputFloat = inputFloat; inputFloat = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (inputFloat, input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputFloat != oldInputFloat) substance.SetProceduralFloat (input.name, inputFloat); } } // Show a vector as multiple sliders else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector4 ) { // Only show GUI for numbers with a defined range if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label (input.name); // How many components are in this vector? var vectorComponentAmount = 4; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2) vectorComponentAmount = 2; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3) vectorComponentAmount = 3; var inputVector = substance.GetProceduralVector (input.name); var oldInputVector = inputVector; // Loop through the vector component and show a slider for each for (var c : int = 0; c < vectorComponentAmount; c++) inputVector[c] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider ( inputVector[c], input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputVector != oldInputVector) substance.SetProceduralVector (input.name, inputVector); } } // Show a color as multiple sliders else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color4) { GUILayout.Label (input.name); // How many numbers are in this color? var colorComponentAmount = (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 ? 3 : 4); var colorInput = substance.GetProceduralColor (input.name); var oldColorInput = colorInput; // Loop through the vector numbers and show a slider for each for (var d : int = 0; d < colorComponentAmount; d++) colorInput[d] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider (colorInput[d], 0, 1); if (colorInput != oldColorInput) substance.SetProceduralColor (input.name, colorInput); } // Show an enum as a selection grid else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Enum) { GUILayout.Label (input.name); var enumInput = substance.GetProceduralEnum (input.name); var oldEnumInput = enumInput; var enumOptions = input.enumOptions; enumInput = GUILayout.SelectionGrid (enumInput, enumOptions, 1); if (enumInput != oldEnumInput) substance.SetProceduralEnum (input.name, enumInput); } } // Rebuild the textures to show the changes substance.RebuildTextures(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class ExampleClass2 : MonoBehaviour {
public Vector2 scrolling; public Renderer rend; void Start() { rend = GetComponent<Renderer>(); } void OnGUI() { if (rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial) { Rect windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width - 250, 30, 220, Screen.height - 60); GUI.Window(0, windowRect, ProceduralPropertiesGUI, "Procedural Properties"); } } void ProceduralPropertiesGUI(int windowId) { scrolling = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrolling); ProceduralMaterial substance = rend.sharedMaterial as ProceduralMaterial; ProceduralPropertyDescription[] inputs = substance.GetProceduralPropertyDescriptions(); // Iterate through all the properties int i = 0; while (i < inputs.Length) { ProceduralPropertyDescription input = inputs[i]; ProceduralPropertyType type = input.type; // Show a boolean as a toggle if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Boolean) { bool inputBool = substance.GetProceduralBoolean(input.name); bool oldInputBool = inputBool; inputBool = GUILayout.Toggle(inputBool, input.name); if (inputBool != oldInputBool) substance.SetProceduralBoolean(input.name, inputBool); } // Show a float as a slider else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Float) { if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label(input.name); float inputFloat = substance.GetProceduralFloat(input.name); float oldInputFloat = inputFloat; inputFloat = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inputFloat, input.minimum, input.maximum); if (inputFloat != oldInputFloat) substance.SetProceduralFloat(input.name, inputFloat); } } // Show a vector as multiple sliders else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector4) // Only show GUI for numbers with a defined range if (input.hasRange) { GUILayout.Label(input.name); int vectorComponentAmount = 4; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector2) vectorComponentAmount = 2; if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Vector3) vectorComponentAmount = 3; Vector4 inputVector = substance.GetProceduralVector(input.name); Vector4 oldInputVector = inputVector; int c = 0; while (c < vectorComponentAmount) { inputVector[c] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(inputVector[c], input.minimum, input.maximum); c++; } if (inputVector != oldInputVector) substance.SetProceduralVector(input.name, inputVector); } else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3 || type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color4) { GUILayout.Label(input.name); int colorComponentAmount = ((type == ProceduralPropertyType.Color3) ? 3 : 4); Color colorInput = substance.GetProceduralColor(input.name); Color oldColorInput = colorInput; int d = 0; while (d < colorComponentAmount) { colorInput[d] = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(colorInput[d], 0, 1); d++; } if (colorInput != oldColorInput) substance.SetProceduralColor(input.name, colorInput); } // Show an enum as a selection grid else if (type == ProceduralPropertyType.Enum) { GUILayout.Label(input.name); int enumInput = substance.GetProceduralEnum(input.name); int oldEnumInput = enumInput; string[] enumOptions = input.enumOptions; enumInput = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(enumInput, enumOptions, 1); if (enumInput != oldEnumInput) substance.SetProceduralEnum(input.name, enumInput); } i++; }
// Rebuild the textures to show the changes substance.RebuildTextures(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } }