XR Interaction Toolkit What's new in 3.0 XRI 3.0 upgrade guide Previous releases What's new in 2.6 What's new in 2.5 What's new in 2.4 What's new in 2.3 What's new in 2.2 What's new in 2.1 Interaction overview Get started Installation Project setup Settings and validation Input Configure input Input readers AR gestures Input components Input Action Manager Input Modality Manager XR Transform Stabilizer Feedback components Simple Haptic Feedback Simple Audio Feedback Haptic Impulse Player 3D interaction Interaction overview Interaction events Interactor events Interactable events AR interaction Interaction layers Interaction filters Affordance system Interaction components XR Interaction Manager XR Interaction Group Interactors Near-Far Interactor XR Direct Interactor XR Poke Interactor XR Ray Interactor XR Gaze Interactor XR Socket Interactor AR Gesture Interactor XR Hand Skeleton Poke Displacer XR Interactor Line Visual Interaction Attach Controller Curve Visual Controller XR Interactor Reticle Visual XR Gaze Assistance Interactables XR Grab Interactable XR Simple Interactable XR Interactable Snap Volume XR Tint Interactable Visual Filters XR Poke filter XR Target filter AR Interactables AR Annotation Interactable AR Placement Interactable AR Rotation Interactable AR Scale Interactable AR Selection Interactable AR Translation Interactable Affordances XR Interactor Affordance State Provider XR Interactable Affordance State Provider Locomotion Locomotion overview Teleportation Continuous movement Grab movement Snap turning Climbing Locomotion components Locomotion Mediator Tunneling Vignette Controller XR Body Transformer Locomotion Providers Locomotion Providers overview Climb Provider Continuous Move Provider Continuous Turn Provider Grab Move Provider Snap Turn Provider Teleportation Provider Two-Handed Grab Move Provider Locomotion Interactors Climb Teleport Interactor Locomotion Interactables Climb Interactable Teleportation Anchor Teleportation Area Teleportation Multi-Anchor Volume UI interaction Set up UI Canvases for XR UI components XR UI Input Module Tracked Device Graphic Raycaster Hand Menu Lazy Follow Canvas Optimizer Extend the XR Interaction Toolkit Development tools XR Interaction Debugger XR Device Simulator XR Device Simulator component Tutorials Create a basic scene Create a scene with locomotion Create a basic interaction Samples Starter Assets Hands Interaction Demo AR Starter Assets XR Device Simulator Spatial Keyboard Legacy XR Input Readers visionOS XR Interaction Toolkit examples Component index Glossary