Interface IVivoxService
The interface used to interact with the VivoxService
Namespace: Unity.Services.Vivox
Assembly: solution.dll
public interface IVivoxService
Name | Description |
Active |
A Dictionary of channels the user is currently connected to and a list of the VivoxParticipants in each the channel.
The key is the channel name used to connect with.
The value is a maintained list of each Vivox |
Active |
The active input device being used by the local user. |
Active |
The active output device being used by the local user. |
Available |
A collection of all available input devices for the local user. |
Available |
A collection of all available output devices for the local user. |
Input |
The volume of your input. |
Is |
Indicates whether Vivox's software echo cancellation feature is enabled. Note: This is completely independent of any hardware-provided acoustic echo cancellation that might be available for a device. |
Is |
Indicates if input devices are muted. |
Is |
Checks whether the user is logged in. |
Is |
Indicates if output devices are muted. |
Output |
The volume of your output. |
Signed |
The unique ID of the locally signed in user. |
Text |
A collection of all available voice profiles that can be used with text-to-speech.
These values within can be used to set the current voice profile when provided to Text |
Text |
The name of the current voice being used when playback of a message occurs. |
Transmitting |
A collection of all channels that are transmitting. If the current transmission mode is set to Single, this will only show a single transmitting channel. |
Name | Description |
Block |
"Block" a player, bidirectionally muting audio/text between that player and the local user. |
Delete |
Deletes an already sent message in a Channel. |
Delete |
Deletes an already sent message in a Direct Message. |
Disable |
Disables Vivox's acoustic echo cancellation feature. |
Disable |
Disables automatic voice activity detection. Must be logged in to perform this action. |
Edit |
Edits an already sent message in a Channel. |
Edit |
Edits an already sent message in a Direct Message. |
Enable |
Enables Vivox's acoustic echo cancellation feature. |
Enable |
Enables automatic configuration of voice activity detection properties by the SDK.
If Automatic Voice Activity Detection is enabled, the properties set in Set |
Get |
Fetch Channel Text Messages for a given channel. Use chat |
Get |
Provides a collection of Vivox |
Get |
Fetch Direct Text Messages at an account level. Use chat |
Initialize |
Initializes the Client object which will enable a user to login and check/manage audio devices. |
Join |
Puts the user in an echo channel using channelName as the unique identifier. In this channel you will hear only your own voice played back at you. If you are not logged into the Vivox service when this is called, you will be automatically logged in. |
Join |
Puts the user in a 2-D group channel using channelName as the unique identifier. This channel type is similar to a traditional non-positional voice call. If you are not logged into the Vivox service when this is called, you will be automatically logged in. |
Join |
Puts the user in a 3-D/positional group channel using channelName as the unique identifier. This channel type is similar to having a conversation in-person involving nuances such as audio attenutation and falloff. The features of a positional channel can be configured by using the Channel3DProperties class. See this class for an in-depth explanation of these features. If you are not logged into the Vivox service when this is called, you will be automatically logged in. |
Leave |
Leaves all channels the currently logged in user is connected to, removing the user from text and voice for those channels. |
Leave |
Leaves a specific channel, removing the user from text and voice for that channel. |
Login |
Logs into the Vivox Service, enabling Vivox to perform actions like joining channels or sending directed messages. |
Logout |
Logs out of the Vivox Service. |
Mute |
Mutes the local user's input devices preventing the transmission of audio from any local input device. |
Mute |
Mutes the local user's output devices preventing them from hearing incoming audio from any local output device. |
Send |
Sends a text message to a channel the user is connected to. |
Send |
Sends a text message to another logged in user. |
Set3DPosition(Game |
Set the location of the local user for a specific positonail channel. Note: This version of Set3DPosition will use the same position for the user's "ears" and "mouth", making a slightly less accurate version of positional audio. |
Set3DPosition(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, Vector3, string, bool) | Set the location of the local user for a specific positional channel. |
Set |
Sets the specified input device as the active input device for the local user. |
Set |
Sets the specified output device as the active output device for the local user. |
Set |
Changes the channel the local user is currently transmitting into. Options of transmission are all channels, no channels, or a single channel. If you are specifying a single channel, the channelName parameter is mandatory. |
Set |
Sets the volume of an entire channel for the local user. This will adjust the volume of player audio for all players in a channel for the local user. Volume value is clamped between -50 and 50 with a default of 0. |
Set |
Sets the input device volume for the local user. This applies to all active audio sessions. Volume value is clamped between -50 and 50 with a default of 0. |
Set |
Set |
Sets the output device volume for the local user. This applies to all active audio sessions. Volume value is clamped between -50 and 50 with a default of 0. |
Set |
Registers an IVivoxTokenProvider implementation that will be used to vend tokens for Vivox actions. Must be called before initializing the Vivox Service. |
Set |
Sets voice activity detection parameters. Parameters will be defaulted to their original default value if not provided. Call this with no parameters provided if you wish to reset the VAD settings. It is recommended to cache the settings and apply all of them each time this method is called. Must be logged in to perform this action. |
Text |
Cancel all text-to-speech messages (ongoing and enqueued). |
Text |
Cancels all text-to-speech messages of a particular Text |
Text |
Sends a text-to-speech message to the channel currently being transmitted into based on the Text |
Text |
Sets the current voice used when playback of a message occurs.
Text |
Unblock |
"Unblock" a player, bidirectionally unmuting audio/text between that player and the local user. |
Unmute |
Unmutes the local user's input devices allowing the transmission of audio. |
Unmute |
Unmutes the local user's output devices allowing them to hear incoming audio. |
Name | Description |
Available |
An action triggered when the input device list in refreshed/updated. An example of when this will fire is when an input device is disconnected from the primary device. |
Available |
An action triggered when the output device list in refreshed/updated. An example of when this will fire is when an output device is disconnected from the primary device. |
Channel |
An action that will trigger when a Channel has been successfully joined by the currently logged in user. Once this event fires, the user will be in the selected text/audio state based on the ChatCapabilities of the channel, and will be able to do all channel actions. Provides the ChannelName of the channel successfully joined. |
Channel |
An action that will trigger when a Channel has been successfully left by the currently logged in user. Once this event fires, the user will no longer be in the text/audio state for this channel, and will no longer be able to do any channel operations. Provides the ChannelName of the channel successfully left. |
Channel |
An Action that will trigger when a channel message has been deleted in any channel the user is in. The VivoxMessage itself will contain the ChannelName of the channel it was sent in, the PlayerId of the Sender, and the MessageId that was deleted. The MessageText will be null. |
Channel |
An Action that will trigger when a channel message has been edited in any channel the user is in. The VivoxMessage itself will contain the ChannelName of the channel it was sent in, the PlayerId of the Sender, and the MessageId that was edited. |
Channel |
An Action that will trigger when a channel message has been received in any channel the user is in. The VivoxMessage itself will contain ChannelName of the channel it was sent in, and the PlayerId and DisplayName of the Sender |
Connection |
An Action that will fire when the network connection has been interrupted for over 30 seconds, and Vivox has halted attempts to reconnect. |
Connection |
An action that will fire when the network connection has been successfully recovered. |
Connection |
An Action that will fire when the network connection for the logged-in device is interrupted. Vivox will attempt to re-establish connection for 30 seconds, firing ConnectionRecovered if the connection is recovered, or ConnectionFailedToRecover if there is a failure to reconnect. |
Directed |
An Action that will trigger when a direct message has been deleted in any channel the user is in. The VivoxMessage itself will have the PlayerId of the Player and the MessageId that was edited. The ChannelName and Message will be set to null. |
Directed |
An Action that will trigger when a direct message has been deleted in any channel the user is in. The VivoxMessage itself will have the PlayerId of the Player and the MessageId that was edited. The ChannelName will be set to null. |
Directed |
An Action that will trigger when a directed message has been received by the currently logged in user. The VivoxMessage itself will have the PlayerId and DisplayName of the Player, and the ChannelName will be set to null. |
Logged |
An action that will trigger when an Account is successfully LoggedIn to the Vivox Service. |
Logged |
An action that will trigger when an Account is successfully LoggedIn to the Vivox Service. |
Participant |
An Action that will trigger when a new Participant has been added to any channel the user is in. Provides a Participant object, which contains the Channel the participant is in, along with their PlayerId, DisplayName, whether speech has been detected, more specific audio energy changes and Muted status. |
Participant |
An Action that will trigger when a Participant has been removed from a channel the user is in. Provides a Participant object, which contains the Channel the participant is in, along with their PlayerId, DisplayName, whether speech has been detected, more specific audio energy changes and Muted status. |