Class ShaderKeywordStrings
Container class for keywords used in URP shaders.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.Universal.Runtime.dll
public static class ShaderKeywordStrings
Name | Description |
AdditionalLightShadows | Keyword used for shadows on additional lights. |
AdditionalLightsPixel | Keyword used for per pixel additional lights. |
AdditionalLightsVertex | Keyword used for per vertex additional lights. |
BillboardFaceCameraPos | Keyword used for Billboard cameras. |
BlitSingleSlice | Keyword used for Single Slice Blits. |
BloomHQ | Keyword used for high quality Bloom. |
BloomHQDirt | Keyword used for high quality Bloom dirt. |
BloomLQ | Keyword used for low quality Bloom. |
BloomLQDirt | Keyword used for low quality Bloom dirt. |
CastingPunctualLightShadow | Keyword used during shadow map generation to differentiate between directional and punctual light shadows, as they use different formulas to apply Normal Bias. |
ChromaticAberration | Keyword used for Chromatic Aberration. |
DBufferMRT1 | Keyword used for first target in the DBuffer. |
DBufferMRT2 | Keyword used for second target in the DBuffer. |
DBufferMRT3 | Keyword used for third target in the DBuffer. |
DEBUG_DISPLAY | Keyword used for Debug Display. |
DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED | Keyword used for combined directional Lightmaps. |
DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_16 | Keyword used for sixteenth size downsampling. |
DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_2 | Keyword used for half size downsampling. |
DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_4 | Keyword used for quarter size downsampling. |
DOWNSAMPLING_SIZE_8 | Keyword used for eighth size downsampling. |
DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON | Keyword used for dynamic Lightmaps. |
DecalLayers | Keyword used for Decal Layers. |
DecalNormalBlendHigh | Keyword used for high quality normal reconstruction in Decals. |
DecalNormalBlendLow | Keyword used for low quality normal reconstruction in Decals. |
DecalNormalBlendMedium | Keyword used for medium quality normal reconstruction in Decals. |
DepthMsaa2 | Keyword used for Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) with 2 per pixel sample count. |
DepthMsaa4 | Keyword used for Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) with 4 per pixel sample count. |
DepthMsaa8 | Keyword used for Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) with 8 per pixel sample count. |
DepthNoMsaa | Keyword used for no Multi Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA). |
DisableTexture2DXArray | Keyword used for disabling Texture 2D Arrays. |
Distortion | Keyword used for Distortion. |
Dithering | Keyword used for Dithering. |
EDITOR_VISUALIZATION | Keyword used for editor visualization. |
EVALUATE_SH_MIXED | Keyword used for mixed Spherical Harmonic (SH) evaluation in URP Lit shaders. |
EVALUATE_SH_VERTEX | Keyword used for vertex Spherical Harmonic (SH) evaluation in URP Lit shaders. |
EasuRcasAndHDRInput | Keyword used for Robust Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening (RCAS) when doing upsampling, after EASU has ran and with HDR Dsiplay output. |
FilmGrain | Keyword used for Film Grain. |
FoveatedRenderingNonUniformRaster | Keyword used for foveated rendering. |
Fxaa | Keyword used for Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing (FXAA). |
Gamma20 | Keyword used for Gamma 2.0. |
Gamma20AndHDRInput | Keyword used for Gamma 2.0 with HDR_INPUT. |
HDRGrading | Keyword used for HDR Color Grading. |
HighQualitySampling | Keyword used for high quality sampling for Depth Of Field. |
LIGHTMAP_ON | Keyword used for Lightmaps. |
LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE | Keyword used for LOD Crossfade. |
LightCookies | Keyword used for Light Cookies. |
LightLayers | Keyword used for Light Layers. |
LightmapShadowMixing | Keyword used for mixing lightmap shadows. |
LinearToSRGBConversion | Keyword used for Linear to SRGB conversions. |
MainLightShadowCascades | Keyword used for shadows with cascades. |
MainLightShadowScreen | Keyword used for screen space shadows. |
MainLightShadows | Keyword used for shadows without cascades. |
MixedLightingSubtractive | Keyword used for Mixed Lights in Subtractive lighting mode. |
PaniniGeneric | Keyword used for generic Panini Projection. |
PaniniUnitDistance | Keyword used for unit distance Panini Projection. |
PointSampling | Keyword used for Point sampling when doing upsampling. |
ProbeVolumeL1 | Keyword used for APV with SH L1 |
ProbeVolumeL2 | Keyword used for APV with SH L2 |
Rcas | Keyword used for Robust Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening (RCAS) when doing upsampling. |
ReflectionProbeBlending | Keyword used for Reflection probe blending. |
ReflectionProbeBoxProjection | Keyword used for Box Projection with Reflection Probes. |
RenderPassEnabled | Keyword used for RenderPass. |
SCREEN_COORD_OVERRIDE | Keyword used for applying scale and bias. |
ScreenSpaceOcclusion | Keyword used for Screen Space Occlusion, such as Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO). |
ShadowsShadowMask | Keyword used for Shadowmask. |
SmaaHigh | Keyword used for high quality Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing (SMAA). |
SmaaLow | Keyword used for low quality Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing (SMAA). |
SmaaMedium | Keyword used for medium quality Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing (SMAA). |
SoftShadows | Keyword used for soft shadows. |
SoftShadowsHigh | Keyword used for high quality soft shadows. |
SoftShadowsLow | Keyword used for low quality soft shadows. |
SoftShadowsMedium | Keyword used for medium quality soft shadows. |
TonemapACES | Keyword used for ACES Tonemapping. |
TonemapNeutral | Keyword used for Neutral Tonemapping. |
USE_UNITY_CROSSFADE | Keyword used for LOD Crossfade with ShaderGraph shaders. |
UseRGBM | Keyword used for RGBM format for Bloom. |
WriteRenderingLayers | Keyword used for writing Rendering Layers. |
XROcclusionMeshCombined | Keyword used for rendering a combined mesh for XR. |
_ALPHAMODULATE_ON | Keyword used for Alpha modulate. |
_ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON | Keyword used for Alpha premultiply. |
_ALPHATEST_ON | Keyword used for Alpha testing. |
_CLEARCOAT | Keyword used for Clear Coat. |
_CLEARCOATMAP | Keyword used for Clear Coat maps. |
_DEFERRED_FIRST_LIGHT | Keyword used for the first light when rendering with the Deferred rendering path. |
_DEFERRED_MAIN_LIGHT | Keyword used for the main light when rendering with the Deferred rendering path. |
_DEFERRED_MIXED_LIGHTING | Keyword used for Mixed Lighting when rendering with the Deferred rendering path. |
_DEFERRED_STENCIL | Keyword used for stencils when rendering with the Deferred rendering path. |
_DETAIL_MULX2 | Keyword used for 2x detail mapping. |
_DETAIL_SCALED | Keyword used for scaled detail mapping. |
_DIRECTIONAL | Keyword used for Directional lights. |
_EMISSION | Keyword used for Emission. |
_GBUFFER_NORMALS_OCT | Keyword used for Accurate G-buffer normals when rendering with the Deferred rendering path. |
_NORMALMAP | Keyword used for Normal maps. |
_POINT | Keyword used for Point lights. |
_RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF | Keyword used for receiving shadows. |
_SPOT | Keyword used for Spot lights. |
_SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT | Keyword used for opaque or transparent surface types. |