Class ScreenSpaceReflection
A volume component that holds settings for screen space reflection and ray traced reflections.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
[VolumeComponentMenu("Lighting/Screen Space Reflection")]
public class ScreenSpaceReflection : VolumeComponentWithQuality, IApplyRevertPropertyContextMenuItemProvider
Name | Description |
accumulation |
Controls the amount of accumulation (0 no accumulation, 1 just accumulate) |
ambient |
Controls the dimmer applied to the ambient and legacy light probes. |
bias |
For PBR: Controls the bias of accumulation (0 no bias, 1 bias ssr) |
bounce |
Number of bounces for reflection rays. |
depth |
Controls the distance at which HDRP fades out SSR near the edge of the screen. |
enable |
When enabled, world space speed from Motion vector is used to reject samples. |
enabled | Enable Screen Space Reflections. |
enabled |
Enable Transparent Screen Space Reflections. |
last |
Controls the fallback hierarchy for lighting the last bounce. |
layer |
Layer mask used to include the objects for screen space reflection. |
mode | Controls which version of the effect should be used. |
ray |
Controls which sources are used to fallback on when the traced ray misses. |
reflect |
When enabled, SSR handles sky reflection for opaque objects (not supported for SSR on transparent). |
sample |
Number of samples for reflections. |
screen |
Controls the typical thickness of objects the reflection rays may pass behind. |
speed |
Controls the likelihood history will be rejected based on the previous frame motion vectors of both the surface and the hit object in world space. |
speed |
Controls the upper range of speed. The faster the objects or camera are moving, the higher this number should be. |
speed |
When enabled, history can be partially rejected for moving objects which gives a smoother transition. When disabled, history is either kept or totally rejected. |
speed |
When enabled, speed rejection used world space motion of the reflecting surface. |
speed |
When enabled, speed rejection used world space motion of the hit surface by the SSR. |
texture |
Defines the LOD Bias for sampling all the textures. |
tracing | |
used |
Screen Space Reflections Algorithm used. |
Name | Description |
affect |
Controls if the denoising should affect pefectly smooth surfaces |
clamp |
Clamps the exposed intensity, this only affects reflections on opaque objects. |
denoise | Enable denoising on the ray traced reflections. |
denoiser |
Controls the radius of reflection denoiser. |
full |
Defines if the effect should be evaluated at full resolution. |
min |
Controls the smoothness value at which HDRP activates SSR and the smoothness-controlled fade out stops. |
ray |
Controls the length of reflection rays in meters. |
ray |
Sets the maximum number of steps HDRP uses for raytracing. Affects both correctness and performance. |
ray |
Sets the maximum number of steps HDRP uses for mixed tracing. Affects both correctness and performance. |
smoothness |
Controls the smoothness value at which the smoothness-controlled fade out starts. The fade is in the range [Min Smoothness, Smoothness Fade Start] |