Namespace Unity.NetCode.Hybrid
A collection of extension utility methods for the Baker<TAuthoring
A ghost animation controller is a special animation graph which supports ghosting through netcode for entities. It needs to be added to a GameObject which is referenced by an entity through a GhostPresentationGameObjectPrefabReference. The controller has a single graph asset, but that asset can be recursive and contain a full graph.
A system which makes sure registered playable data is updated before PrepareFrame runs for interpolated ghosts, and predicted ghosts not using PreparePredictedData or graph updates in prediction.
A system which calls PreparePredictedData for all registered ghost animation controllers and also trigger graph evaluation if enabled.
A system which makes sure registered playable data is updated before PrepareFrame runs for predicted ghosts not using PreparePredictedData or graph updates in prediction on the server.
The main graph asset for a GhostAnimationController. All animation logic which needs to be synchronized should be expressed as an assets of this type. The asset can reference other assets to build a full graph.
This class is an extension of regular PlayableBehaviour which can be used to implement graph assets for GhostAnimationController. It adds a new method for receiving update calls in the netcode prediction loop. When evaluating the graph in prediction PrepareFrame should set the time on all clips it is using since time will roll back. When using root motion PreparePredictedData should also set the time of all clips to the current time at the beginning of the call, not doing so will break root motion. You only need to set the time in PreparePredictedData if 'isRollback' is true,
Add the component to a ghost prefab to configure the presentation gameobject for the ghost.
If this component is added to a GameObject used as a GhostPresentationGameObjectPrefabReference it will be setup with references to the entity and world owning this GameObject instance.
The GameObject prefabs which should be used as a visual representation of an entity.
This system will spawn presentation game object for ghosts which requested it. The system runs right after the client spawning code to make sure the game object is created right away. On the server it is important to either deal with not having a presentation game object (by filtering on the cleanup component) or do all spawning in the BeginSimulationCommandBufferSystem to make sure the game objects are created at the same time
This system will update the presentation GameObjects transform based on the current transform of the entity owning it.
The IEntities
The IEntities
The IEntities
Editor-only helper - allows you to configure the value-specific suggested ranges on the Importance tooltip.
A component used by the GhostAnimationController to figure out what needs a managed update call and what can use a system based fast path.
A reference to an entity containing the GhostPresentationGameObjectPrefab. The GameObject prefabs are not stored directly on the ghosts to avoid all ghosts having a managed component, instead a separate entity is created for storing the managed component and this component has a reference to that entity.
Interface used by GhostAnimationGraphAssets to communicate which components they are using to store animation data which should be ghosted.