Class CinemachineInputAxisController
This is a behaviour that is used to drive other behaviours that implement IInputAxisOwner, which it discovers dynamically. It is the bridge between the input system and Cinemachine cameras that require user input. Add it to a Cinemachine camera that needs it.
This implementation can read input from the Input package, or from the legacy input system, or both, depending on what is installed in the project.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: solution.dll
[AddComponentMenu("Cinemachine/Helpers/Cinemachine Input Axis Controller")]
public class CinemachineInputAxisController : InputAxisControllerBase<CinemachineInputAxisController.Reader>, IInputAxisController
Name | Description |
Initialize |
Creates default controllers for an axis. Override this if the default axis controllers do not fit your axes. |