
static function FreeRotateHandle (rotation : Quaternion, position : Vector3, size : float) : Quaternion


rotation Orientation of the handle.
position Center of the handle in 3D space.
size The size of the handle.


Make an unconstrained rotation handle.

The handle can rotate freely on all axes.

FreeRotate handle seen in the Scene View.

    // Create a simple rotate handle (half scale) on the 
// target object that lets you freely rotate
// the Object Without having to select the "Rotate" button

@CustomEditor (FreeRotate)
class FreeRotateHandleJS extends Editor {
function OnSceneGUI () {
target.rot = Handles.FreeRotateHandle(target.rot, target.transform.position, 0.5);
if (GUI.changed)
EditorUtility.SetDirty (target);

And the script attached to this Handle:

    @script ExecuteInEditMode()

var rot : Quaternion = Quaternion.identity;

function Update () {
transform.rotation = rot;