Name | Description |
rgbColor | the color to convert from. |
H | The hue of the color is written to this variable. |
S | The saturation of the color is written to this variable. |
V | The value of the color is written to this variable. |
Convert a color from RGB to HSV color space.
All values are in the 0-1 range
See Also: HSVToRGB
// Simple script that shows the color info on
// RGB (Red Green Blue) values and
// HSV (Hue Saturation Value) values.
class RGBHSVInfo extends Editor{
@MenuItem("Examples/Color Info")
static function CheckColor() {
var h : float = 0;
var s : float = 0;
var v : float = 0;
var objColor : Color = Color.white;
var obj = Selection.activeGameObject.renderer;
if(!obj.renderer.material) {
Debug.LogError("Selected Object doesnt have a material.");
objColor = obj.renderer.sharedMaterial.color;
objColor = EditorGUIUtility.HSVToRGB(h,s,v);
Debug.Log("RGB: " + objColor.r + "," + objColor.g + "," + objColor.b);
Debug.Log("HSV: " + h + "," + s + "," + v);
@MenuItem("Examples/Color Info", true)
static function ValidateCheckColor() {
return Selection.activeGameObject != null;