GUI.enabled Manual     Reference     Scripting  
Scripting > Runtime Classes > GUI

static var enabled : boolean


Is the GUI enabled?

Set this value to false to disable all GUI interaction. All controls will be draw semi-transparently, and will not respond to user input.

Enabled / Disabled GUI controls.

// The value tracking whether or not the extended options can be toggled.
var allOptions : boolean = true;
// The 2 extended options.
var extended1 : boolean = true;
var extended2 : boolean = true;
function OnGUI () {
// Make a toggle control that allows the user to edit some extended options.
allOptions = GUI.Toggle (Rect (0,0,150,20), allOptions, "Edit All Options");

// Assign the value of it to the GUI.enabled - if the checkbox above
// is disabled, so will these GUI elements be
GUI.enabled = allOptions;

// These two controls will only be enabled if the button above is on.
extended1 = GUI.Toggle (Rect (20,20,130,20), extended1, "Extended Option 1");
extended2 = GUI.Toggle (Rect (20,40,130,20), extended2, "Extended Option 2");

// We're done with the conditional block, so make GUI code be enabled again.
GUI.enabled = true;

// Make an Ok button
if (GUI.Button (Rect (0, 60, 150, 20), "Ok"))
print ("user clicked ok");

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public bool allOptions = true;
public bool extended1 = true;
public bool extended2 = true;
void OnGUI() {
allOptions = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(0, 0, 150, 20), allOptions, "Edit All Options");
GUI.enabled = allOptions;
extended1 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(20, 20, 130, 20), extended1, "Extended Option 1");
extended2 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(20, 40, 130, 20), extended2, "Extended Option 2");
GUI.enabled = true;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 60, 150, 20), "Ok"))
print("user clicked ok");


import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

class example(MonoBehaviour):

public allOptions as bool = true

public extended1 as bool = true

public extended2 as bool = true

def OnGUI():
allOptions = GUI.Toggle(Rect(0, 0, 150, 20), allOptions, 'Edit All Options')
GUI.enabled = allOptions
extended1 = GUI.Toggle(Rect(20, 20, 130, 20), extended1, 'Extended Option 1')
extended2 = GUI.Toggle(Rect(20, 40, 130, 20), extended2, 'Extended Option 2')
GUI.enabled = true
if GUI.Button(Rect(0, 60, 150, 20), 'Ok'):
print('user clicked ok')